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doing your own microchipping

Looking into to doing my own microchipping. Where is the best vet supply to order them from? Also, what is the purpose of having your own scanner? Could you insert chips and have vet scan them upon exam?

Re: doing your own microchipping

You may want to check out AKC CAR as they sell chips. The purpose of having a scanner is to make sure every chip is working before implanting along with checking each microchips numbers to make sure they match up. Once you implant you should also check to make sure you actually got the chip implanted.

AKC CAR has several didn't option for amount of chips, scanner and cost. They also just sell chips. I am not sure how well their scanners work. We brought an IMAX Black Label scanner and love it. They are expensive but will check all brands on the market including EURO/ISO Chips. I personally think they are the best scanners on the market right now.

You could also watch Ebay for new and used scanners. Trovan is the brand that AKC CAR sells.

Re: doing your own microchipping

We use Avid and buy 5 at a time for around $50 +/-. We don't own a scanner and do not plan on getting one. Our Labs are always scanned by our OFA vet, our local vet allows us to borrow theirs the few times we have needed one, and our repro vet was required to check one time. In each case the chip was where it was suppose to be and the numbers matched so I look at it "why worry".

Re: doing your own microchipping

I have done my own for years. I use home again chips, and I do own a reader. I have had pups lose chips right after implant, so the reader is a must in my mind.

I have buyers register with CAR instead of the home again people.


Re: doing your own microchipping

Gregg where do you get the Avid chips for $10 each? Also, not familiar with CAR -- is it through AKC and can any brand of chip be registered with them?

Re: doing your own microchipping

CAR stands for "Companion Animal Recovery" which is AKC's database for microchips and tattoos.

I got my home again chips for about $9 each at Lambriar Vet last time.


Re: doing your own microchipping

We got got our Avid from Lambert (old Lambriar) or Revival. If you call around and ask for a better price, sometime Lamber will work with you on pricing for breeders, but you must call them. Revival also has specials from time to time. We have gotten 5 chips for as low as $47.50. That is just the SUDS Avid chips w/o Registration.

AKC CAR has a much better program, I believe for reg'd chips through. Its a one time deal and very easy to update and change information like address, phone numbers, etc. They will do any brand of chip.

Re: doing your own microchipping

Just remember that with the Trovan chips, most animal shelters and vets cannot read them. My vet had to buy another scanner that would read the Trovan chips. They operate on a different frequency than the AVID or HomeAgain chips. AVID and HomeAgain are on the same frequency. The Trovan ones also do not comply with the specs for going out of the country. Pay a little more and get chips that are readable everywhere. I know our local animal control and SPCA do not have scanners that can read Trovan and they have informed me that they do not plan on purchasing one either.

Re: doing your own microchipping

I get my Avid chips right from Avid. It's a good idea to have or borrow a scanner when implanting chips. You should scan the chip before you insert it to make sure it is working and the number matches, then scan the dog afterwards to make sure the chip didn't drop out of the needle (the chips are very small.) And any dog I didn't whelp, I scan before I implant it just in case there is already one there. Technique is a bit different than injecting vaccines. The needle is a lot bigger. I tent the skin and then rest the needle on the skin and then push hard, rather than stabbing like you do a smaller needle.

Re: doing your own microchipping

I get mine straight from Avid, directions on how to do it comes with them.

Re: doing your own microchipping

I give shots with no trouble. However, when I saw the size of these needles, my knees turned to jelly. My vet and I are on good terms and he put them in for me.

Re: doing your own microchipping

They are pretty darn big.....for sure!!

Re: doing your own microchipping

I couldn't do it with that big needle either. My vet charges $50 to 60 ea. for his Home Again chip plus an office visit. I may have to learn to become braver about a few things or change vets.

Re: doing your own microchipping

We have gotten the chips for the litters we have had from and they have a breeder discount. I think we paid $7 or $9 dollars each. You can get them with prepaid registration for a little more. They have Avid or Homeagain and are very nice to do business with. The needles are large but very sharp and the pups don't seem to notice much. Have only had a couple that have even acted as if it hurt. We don't scan them but have never had a puppy buyer inform us that the chips aren't there.

Re: doing your own microchipping

I've used AVID for years. They are the originals, and they are really easy to deal with.
All microchips are implanted like a shot, but the needle is a big one. 14 gage, I think. If you do your own shots, you'll do fine implanting the chips. Hold the puppy up, so he does not move or cry.
Good luck.

Re: doing your own microchipping

I get my Home Again chips from Lambriar, comes out to about $10/each. Vet chips the pups on their first visit for shots, no charge for doing the chips. I use AKC CAR. I have my own scanner.

Used to use Avid, but a few migrated down behind elbow so I switched to Home Again and haven't had any migrate so far.