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Security Cameras

I am interestined in purchasing a security camera system with nightvision for my outside kennel and was wondering what most people use, the cost & how reliable they are. Probably hooked up to a DVR/computer.


Re: Security Cameras

I'd be interested in this subject too. I want to install a monitoring camera in the horse stable which is about 700' feet away next door at my parents' place and wondering if I could do something wireless. Wondering if there something that would work in dim light as it's the hours after I close up the stable for the night that I'd love to be able to check in on the horses without having to run over. Would be good if I could use my computer monitor for the monitoring.


Re: Security Cameras

I found one on ebay, Nortech secuirty
it came with two black and white cameras with sound,
it is wireless and hooks up to a tv. came with a remote to switch between the two cameras.

My kennel building is 400 ft from the house and has metal sides.
It works well in most cases I mainly use it when I have older pups out there, One camera faces in on the inside kennel, one faces to the outside play area.
I think I paid $75 for it new

Re: Security Cameras

You can find different nice sets a very good price at Costco, Sam's Club,, or just google it.

Re: Security Cameras

We purchased all of ours through The Home Security Store When on their site go to the Surveillance section. The one you are looking for would be the: Wireless Outdoor Color Nightvision Security Camera System.

Our camera's face; our main gate, the house, our building and several directions in and around the kennel. They offer some that are wireless, which is great because you can put them literally anywhere. They also offer spy cams, so people wouldn't know they were even there. I personally like camera's they know are camera's, because they are a deterrent...

They also offer temperature sensors that will alert you if the temperature rises above or goes below a certain temperature, which is ideal for kennel buildings or for motorhomes at shows.

If it has anything to do with security, you name it they probably offer it.