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How much would you say a Ch Bitch, 3 years old, can be?, how do you value the price, how many litters she will have, titles, blood lines??????
Great pedigree.

Re: Bitch

A Ch. Bitch with all clearances - healthy - the lowest I've seen is around $4K USD.

Re: Bitch...price to sell? price to buy? champion. clearances....proven...

The first thing you have to consider is, has she been bred yet and produced pups? And if so, why would someone be selling her?

If she was a champion bitch and proven, with all clearances, nice pedigree, priceless...I can't imagine why you'd part with her.

Value..would it be any different than a dog the same age, same situation? Which I've seen fetch as much as $10,000. But you can actually evaluate semen in that instance, and see if he has sired some healthy litters.

Now, I've parted with awesome bitches, all clearances, pointed, proven, because they were not good mothers, for instance. Neglected pups or something like that.
One I parted with because she was an escape artist, would not kennel well. Ran away.

One I parted with because she had a temperament I did not want to reproduce.

I guess if we knew WHY you were selling her, or why someone else was selling her, we'd have more insight?

Re: Bitch

there is always a reason why they are for sale remember that
why would anyone part with a dog thats either prodcing well for them either stud or bitch
IMO if useful to the one thats selling they would be priceless

Re: Bitch

A friend is selling me one or more of her bitches.
This lady is very very sick, needs the money and don't want to leave her dogs to her kids, she prefers to leave them cash. She is not keeping any of her dogs. She is dying, there is nothing hiding behind them.
She told me to put a price on them, some have had litters, some never, all have their clearences.

Re: Bitch

Its sad when the reason is such.
I hope you get a good dog for a fair price and she will know her dogs are in good homes.

I would say in that situation, $1500-$2000 would be a fair starting point.

Re: Bitch

I would say that, (if you like the bitch) that she might be worth 4000. - minimum. I have seen lots go for 1800 to 2400 that had no points - just prelims or finals. I suppose that you might make an offer for so much up front, to follow with more $ if she is fertile?

Re: Bitch

A young champion bitch w/ full clearances is worth a min. of $5,000. Proven, she should be more... Think about it.. She can be bred more than a few times w/ average size of litters ... The woman (God bless her) has put already that and more in raising the bitch up to where she is today~

Anything less than 5grand is simply not fair to this woman at all~

Re: Bitch

Thank you very much for all your answers.
Now I have a very good idea, I have to agree that $5,000 is a good price to start, even do there are a couple that worth more.
I can't offer a puppy price either.
So depending in several things like fertility, what have they produce, age, looks, titles, etc... The range could be $5,000 to $10,000(Or this is to high?)

Re: Bitch

Just wondering--What do you all consider full/all appropriate clearances?

Re: Bitch

Im not sure if I am following you, are you buying or selling this bitch?
If you are buying then I assume the seller has put a price on the dogs.

Either you agree or not, but you are posting that you feel 5K-10K is fair.
that soulds more like you are the seller not the buyer......

Re: Bitch

Buyer and not only one, at least 4 of them.

Re: Bitch

Are you doing this as a favor to help and keeping the dogs forever or rehoming. Are you getting them to start a breeding kennel. If they are finished, what is your hope for them. Hope not just to breed.
One or two to help maybe but do what is best for the dogs at any price. If they are finished and all clearances alot of money has gone into them and hope love. JMHO

Re: Bitch

As a favor.
Keeping the dogs forever.
I am not starting a kennel.
May be breed them once, they are such a nice ladies, champions, great pedigrees, she put a lot of everything on them, so I want to continue what she is leaving behind, not a kennel, not a bussines, just continue with some puppies in the future in her honor.

Re: Bitch

1 litter = 7 pups
7 pups X $900 = $6300

You could pay 5 grand and break even with 1 litter.

On the other hand, I bought a bitch as a favor for a sick friend of a friend. Nice bitch, nice pedigree, adult with all clearances.....figured it was a win-win. Given above math, I didn't quibble about price. The bitch ended up with severe Lyme's Disease. Paid a good amount in vet bills and she was never bred.

Re: Bitch

you could drop 20K on these dogs and then never get pups out of them.
Who would you go back to for a guarantee?
If I was going to pay that much I would expect some sort of guarantee on breeding. Since it is possible that you wont have that choice that should be taken into consideration in price.

Re: Bitch

....but the odds have it that you will make a profit on her next season

Re: Bitch

One thing I have learned in the 20 years of raising labs is never count your puppies before they hatch...
odds are 50/50.