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1st signs of pregnancy

What is your old standby 1st sign of pregnancy and when do you expect to see it?
Is it different for first time moms , then experienced?

Re: 1st signs of pregnancy

On some of my girls, the vulva stays puffy it they've conceived. They are more clingy to me.

Re: 1st signs of pregnancy

I usually notice bigger and pinker nipples. After 4 or 5 weeks or so, the hair on their belly seems like it's going in the wrong direction. And yes, the vulva stays enlarged. Good luck!!!!

Re: 1st signs of pregnancy

When do you definately expect to see a belly? My bitch is 5 weeks and after feeding I definately think she is and in the mid day think maybe she is. Maiden bitch ....Funny about the hair Linda, it IS getting fluffy and going every which way

Re: 1st signs of pregnancy

Not true on every girl. I have some that stay puffy and others that don't. My one girl now is digging rounded nests in the dirt and curling up in them. I think she is pg! She would be 4 weeks along.

Re: 1st signs of pregnancy

My bitches have a long stringy clear discharge at about 4 weeks. I have never seen this on the bitches that have not conceived.