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Cancer "treatments"

Hi all,

I have a friend whose lab mix was just diagnosed with malignant melanoma. She had a small growth removed from the dog's leg and had it tested. So far, her dog is fine, not sick at all. But she needs some information about diet, supplements, etc. that might help dogs with cancer. I thought all the knowledge here might be a big help. TIA!

Re: Cancer "treatments"

Cancer thrives on carbohydrates so I would go with a grain free food - as low in carbs as you can get or do a home cooked diet.

There is info on cancer and diet at

Google Essiac. It is for humans and animals with cancer.

Alfalfa is beneficial as well.

Prayers for your friend's dog that they can keep the dog clean of future cancer or at least keep it in check.

Re: Cancer "treatments"

Feel free to have your friend contact me. My 14 years 10 months old girl had a Malignant Melanoma on her gum removed, I didn't have them take a more wider margin due to her age as I didn't want her to have to relearn to eat for the remainder of time she has, but she did have 4 weekly treatments of high dose radiation therapy to the area and also had the Melanoma vaccine, which was given one dose every 2 weeks for 4 doses. She just went in for her last vaccine a few weeks ago and there was no signs of cancer. She doesn't have to go back for 6 more months when she will need another booster for the vaccine.
My girl is doing really well and has more energy than she did this winter. Except for some hair loss on her muzzle you would never know anything was different.
The vaccine runs about $350 per injection and doesn't include the examination each time and the Radiation treatments were $250 each as well. There were also some other tests that included chest xrays to make sure that she didn't have any furthur spread and also a needle biopsy of her lymph nodes as well.
I went to NEVOG in Waltham, Mass. and they were wonderful. I was just happy that I could give my old girl some continued quality and enjoyment to her life. It was well worth it!!! I would do it again if I ever had to!!

I also feed a grain free food- She is on Orijen 6 fish and I also give her an anti-cancer supplement called CAS Options as well as her usual Vitamin C, and joint supplements.
Hope this helps.