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LRCGB Win Photos

A month since the show and the show photographer still doesn't have them on his site. Is this normal for this photographer?

Re: LRCGB Win Photos

It really depends on whether that photographer's studio does only dog shows. If his or her studio also does weddings, graduations and similar events, May, June, July and August are tremendously busy months for a studio with a varied clientele. Because of that the photographs may come back some what slower. My bottom line is quality. If it comes back a little late, but looks great, who care's?

Re: LRCGB Win Photos

It really depends
My bottom line is quality. If it comes back a little late, but looks great, who care's?

I agree. Thanks.

Re: LRCGB Win Photos

True, but a full 4 weeks has passed and neither day is posted online? I for one would like to see a little progress - especially since he always posts a notice that pictures are not a finished product - most are directly downloaded. - without any touchups, enhancements, etc.

Re: LRCGB Win Photos

upload photographs to his or her website with MINIMUM touchups done, I know very few who can do it without any touchups at all. While I sympathize with the fact you really want to see your portraits, keep in mind so does every bride, graduate, parents and grand-parents from the Christening, and every other dog owner.

It is to the photographer's advantage to get you to view the photographs while you are in a "buying mood". If the photographer has not posted the photographs yet, believe me, it is NOT from their lack of trying. It is just the Summer months are when they get the bulk of their assignments for the entire year, one on top of another, and they try to dig out as fast as they can, but not at the expense of producing a poorer quality image. This is an industry wide situation during this time of the year, not just with your particular photographer.

Hope knowing what the "backstory" is helps you feel a little bit better, and that the wait is worth your while.