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can pups get parvo from vaccine?

I vaccinated my 6 week old litter for parvo this morning and one of the pups this afternoon has the squirts. Looks like brown water. Is it possible this could be from the vaccine? Or Coccidia by coincidence now?

Re: can pups get parvo from vaccine?

It is more likely either a coincidence or a vaccine reaction. Call your vet, give Benadryl, and see what else vet says. Better safe than sorry. Also take pup's temp. If it is deemed a vaccine reaction, and it gets worse, you need to be at vet, or using puppy dose of epi, etc. at home, per your vet's instructions, then getting to vet office. After you see your own vet, if a vaccine reaction, call Dr. Jean Dodds office at Hemopet in CA for instructions. Also insist on reporting the reaction. Was there only parvo in the vaccine, or was there also lepto and other components? Brown doesn't really sound like coccidia poops. Good luck, and let us know how pup does. Occasionally there are hot lots of vaccines, with a virulent component. Dr. Dodds might have a better idea on that. What vaccine did you use, specifically, and what worming have you done?

Re: can pups get parvo from vaccine?

Given all the info we have been given about vaccinating, I now wait until 7 1/2 weeks to do mine. 6 weeks may be a bit early? I think that the only way to find out what may be going on is to check the stool sample. You could give yogurt or probiotic. Someting like Fastrack may help. Do be sure to check on the pup/litter to see that they are hydrated.

Re: can pups get parvo from vaccine?

It was Parvo vaccine only. Ft. Dodge brand. Pup is acting fine, BTW.

Re: can pups get parvo from vaccine?

This is not the point of the thread and I don't mean to be negative. But to answer the question posed by the poster above, "conventional wisdom" is that vaccinations at 6 weeks are ineffective for the vast majority of pups and therefore are not worth whatever risk they pose.

Re: can pups get parvo from vaccine?

Neopar is effective and proven successful in parvo environment.
but there is still a chance of a reaction with any vaccine given.

Re: can pups get parvo from vaccine?

Friend of mine lost a puppy to parvo from the vaccine. She actually called and talked to Jean Dodd and they did confirm that it died from the vaccine.

Re: can pups get parvo from vaccine?

How did they confirm?

Re: can pups get parvo from vaccine?

How did they confirm?

Did an autopsy and when she talked to Jean Dodd the time between the vaccine and the symptoms lined up.

Re: can pups get parvo from vaccine?

Twice now ,I started getting liquid poop within hours, to a day from vaccinating. It became life threatening and even fatal with the first pup. First pup was sent for necropsy, couldn't determine reason for death. I put the second pup on sulfa and it was touch and go, but she survived. I believe that what I experienced was the acute form of cocci. Here is the link to more information