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Handlers and heatstroke

The woman (Mary) who is getting charged with 7 counts of cruelty deserves what she gets....

I do not believe that she meant to do it, but i dont feel sorry for her. As someone mentioned before, handlers work 24/7, 365 days a year. I find great offense in someone stating that handlers need to be eliminated. Yes it is a business, but most of us truely love the dogs we handle!!

I went with Rusty and Jen these past 2 weeks to Oklahoma City and Dallas. It was over 100 degrees almost our entire trip.... Our generator ran 24/7 to keep our dogs cool, and at night we always checked to make sure it was on and working properly with someone sleeping in the truck... Most of the handlers kept the dogs in the buildings and those who didnt had someone in their trucks at all times to keep an eye on their dogs...

NOT EVERY HANDLER WORKS THE SAME!!! And people should not penalize every handler for working like this Mary did....


Re: Handlers and heatstroke

I have a dog with you and there is no doubt in my mind that Rusty, Jen and the staff would go down before letting something happen to one of our dogs-Thanks

Re: Handlers and heatstroke

I too have had a dog with Rusty and Jen, and I was so impressed with the care my dog received , these are not your average handlers, individual care in and out of the ring !

Re: Handlers and heatstroke

Jen L...You are trustworthy and I know you love the dogs and take proper of them.

Re: Handlers and heatstroke

you believe what gives you comfort

Re: Handlers and heatstroke

maybe for you but not for me, gorilla in the room!


Re: Handlers and heatstroke

jen l
maybe for you but not for me, gorilla in the room!


Hmmm I have twice seen ----- (NOT Rusty and Jen) come running and smiling to retrieve a Lab that was in her care and found running loose on the showgrounds.

Re: Handlers and heatstroke

Gorilla in the room ---

I'd have no problem handing my dogs over to Jen's care, and believe me, I'm a very protective dog mom! She's a gem:-)


Re: Handlers and heatstroke

One bad egg can spoil it for the whole bunch.

Re: Handlers and heatstroke

I do and will send my dogs with the Howards and Jen and anyone who is with them. I'm also a very protective owner and trust them with my life.

Re: Handlers and heatstroke

If your talking about Syracuse, that was not my dog, but i knew who it belonged to, so if you have a problem, NAMELESS, GET BENT!!!! It happens to everyone... Are you saying it never happened to you, or are just a perfect person??


Re: Handlers and heatstroke

I think Jen L needs to keep her opinions to herself.

Re: Handlers and heatstroke

I think the only opinions that matter are those with names attached.

Re: Handlers and heatstroke

I too have had a dog with Rusty and Jen, and I was so impressed with the care my dog received , these are not your average handlers, individual care in and out of the ring !

How did this subject go over to praising other handlers than the handler that spoke up? Snap back at me Deb, I know it's coming, as usual. You used your name this time, not how you usually post.

If you don't ride with or spend other time with the handlers, you don't know for sure what goes on. There are certain handlers I trust, I will not plug them on a list.

Re: Handlers and heatstroke

hear no evil, see no evil and don't mention the gorilla in the van

Re: Handlers and heatstroke

Anon for this
I too have had a dog with Rusty and Jen, and I was so impressed with the care my dog received , these are not your average handlers, individual care in and out of the ring !

How did this subject go over to praising other handlers than the handler that spoke up? Snap back at me Deb, I know it's coming, as usual. You used your name this time, not how you usually post.

If you don't ride with or spend other time with the handlers, you don't know for sure what goes on. There are certain handlers I trust, I will not plug them on a list.

Because the handler that spoke up works with Rusty and Jen. They are a team.

Re: Handlers and heatstroke

I HAVE ridden with handlers and HAVE spent significant time with some of those mentioned in this thread. For the most part, are the dogs safe, yes. Do they spend excessive time in crates and get inadequate exercise, yes. Would I send my dogs? NO.

Re: Handlers and heatstroke

All i am saying is that people need to understand that with some handlers, myself included, care very greatly for the dogs in their care.... Dont judge a book by its cover...

However you nasty people want to take, whatever!! And i can give my opinion whenever and wherever i want! I have really thick skin, so try!!


Re: Handlers and heatstroke

Just giving everyone a head's up!

Re: Handlers and heatstroke

I have sent my dog with Rusty and Jen and will do so again when I have a dog I want to send.
My dog came back in EXCELLENT condition both mentally and physically, finished in no time and I was happy as could be. No complaints at all.
I also know Jen L personally and have no problems sending a dog with Rusty, Jen and Jen L, if that is their traveling arrangement.
I have also sent another dog with a different pro and had a horrible experience. Yes the dog came home alive and was not in danger or sick, but the condition was terrible and the dog was mentally a mess.
We always take chances when we let anyone take care of our dogs. Even if it's just for a walk down the road.
You have to be a good observer and make an informed decision. You must also know your own dog and know whether that dog can handle the life of being on the road, be it for one day or 6 months.
If you don't, you are as much at fault as the handler who makes the mistake.

Re: Handlers and heatstroke

The nature of being on the road requires that dogs spend more time in their crates and not get as much exercise as we would like. Of course everyone tries as much as they can with ex-pens and the like, but let's face it. The dogs don't get to run free like they may at home. This is the reality of being at dog shows and on the road. Even those of us who show our own dogs have this problem. This is not a condition limited to handlers.

Re: Handlers and heatstroke

Wow ... okay folks .. agree that there are some handlers who take very good care of the dogs in their care. Agree there are some that don't. People have different experiences with handlers and different expectations - one person's idea of great care may not be another persons's.. perspective is reality.

Gorilla in the room or not ...Jen - no offense, but your posts were a bit controversial.. bit of a blatant advertisment for Jen and Rusty (whom I quite like by the way for those of you who want to start down that road) - perhaps you should not have personalized the original post to the extent that you did.

Bring on the flame throwers ....

Re: Handlers and heatstroke

Anon for this
I too have had a dog with Rusty and Jen, and I was so impressed with the care my dog received , these are not your average handlers, individual care in and out of the ring !

How did this subject go over to praising other handlers than the handler that spoke up? Snap back at me Deb, I know it's coming, as usual. You used your name this time, not how you usually post.

If you don't ride with or spend other time with the handlers, you don't know for sure what goes on. There are certain handlers I trust, I will not plug them on a list.

Because the handler that spoke up works with Rusty and Jen. They are a team.

Whelp I neva new dat. Beat me up spelling police.

Truly, I did not know they were a team. I always see Jen I Fur on her own and assumed she was. Vocal, opinionated, or not, she seems to handle her clients well. She also does ringside pick-up only as far as I know. So how are they a team?

Re: Handlers and heatstroke

this a new consept for you huh deb?

Re: Handlers and heatstroke

This thread should never have been started.

I totally agree with "clearly canadian".

Re: Handlers and heatstroke

Well i apologize for anyone who didnt share my offense to the last thread..

I was not advertising Rusty and Jen, frankly, they dont need to advertise...

The point of this thread was to get into SOME peoples' heads that not every handler is the same. Not every doctor, vet, lawyer, etc is the same...

The End...

Re: Handlers and heatstroke

jen l
If your talking about Syracuse, that was not my dog, but i knew who it belonged to, so if you have a problem, NAMELESS, GET BENT!!!! It happens to everyone... Are you saying it never happened to you, or are just a perfect person??


GET BENT?? What's does GET BENT mean, other than sounding very immature? Doesn't sound like someone I'd want my dogs on the road with...geesh.

Re: Handlers and heatstroke

If you knew Jen L, you would appreciate her sense of humor and laugh at that comment!!
I thought it was funny! :)

jen l
If your talking about Syracuse, that was not my dog, but i knew who it belonged to, so if you have a problem, NAMELESS, GET BENT!!!! It happens to everyone... Are you saying it never happened to you, or are just a perfect person??


GET BENT?? What's does GET BENT mean, other than sounding very immature? Doesn't sound like someone I'd want my dogs on the road with...geesh.

Re: Handlers and heatstroke

gone anon
If you knew Jen L, you would appreciate her sense of humor and laugh at that comment!!
I thought it was funny! :)

jen l
If your talking about Syracuse, that was not my dog, but i knew who it belonged to, so if you have a problem, NAMELESS, GET BENT!!!! It happens to everyone... Are you saying it never happened to you, or are just a perfect person??


GET BENT?? What's does GET BENT mean, other than sounding very immature? Doesn't sound like someone I'd want my dogs on the road with...geesh.

Her statement clearly shows it wasn't meant to be humorous...

"So if you have a problem NAMELESS, GET BENT!!!! It happens to everyone, etc."

This is funny? You're kidding, right?

Re: Handlers and heatstroke

gone anon
If you knew Jen L, you would appreciate her sense of humor and laugh at that comment!!
I thought it was funny! :)

jen l
If your talking about Syracuse, that was not my dog, but i knew who it belonged to, so if you have a problem, NAMELESS, GET BENT!!!! It happens to everyone... Are you saying it never happened to you, or are just a perfect person??


GET BENT?? What's does GET BENT mean, other than sounding very immature? Doesn't sound like someone I'd want my dogs on the road with...geesh.

Me too. I happen to like Jen. What you c, is what you get. (Do I have the right phrase?) You go Jen I Fur L. I like your H&H, humour and handling.

Re: Handlers and heatstroke


That does sound immature and why so much emotion for something so minor?

Re: Handlers and heatstroke

That is very correct. Not every handler is the same!

I would also like to point out that I attended Potomac this year with 2 of my Labs. Life on that road trip was very much the same as going out with a handler for my dogs. They were limited to leash walks for potty breaks. Limited to crating in the vehicle for the 8+ hour drive each way. Limited to crating while in the hotel room. And limited to crating while at the show site.

My dogs did not get as much exercise in that 7 days as they would have at home. Nor did they have adequate play time and "free time" . They were no worse for wear when we came home. However, I was another story! And yet we packed up and did it again for a 4 day weekend away from home not long after.

Re: Handlers and heatstroke

I understand why people who have their dogs out with handlers would say positive stuff about their handlers. I would ABSOLUTELY do the same--too especially now. I would also probably be praying alot--about the only thing you can do when you dog is hundreds of miles from you and you are worried.

But everything that is being said about these handlers was said about Mary at one timE----and posted on her website too.

If handlers are so great, why didn't one of them see this coming with Mary and prevent it.

Re: Handlers and heatstroke


I would also like to point out that I attended Potomac this year with 2 of my Labs. Life on that road trip was very much the same as going out with a handler for my dogs. They were limited to leash walks for potty breaks. Limited to crating in the vehicle for the 8+ hour drive each way. Limited to crating while in the hotel room. And limited to crating while at the show site.

Frederick has a lovely dog park downtown only a couple of miles from the show site. The dog park is part of a beautiful park with a canal and miles of paved sidewalks where dogs can walk. Nearby are hundreds of acres of state parks. If you plan your trips well, you can stop at parks throughout the US. And if you only have two dogs, you have plenty of time to spend with them.

Re: Handlers and heatstroke

Yes there are lots of parks nearby. I did not stay at the host hotel but one approx 1 mile from the show - my dogs did not have to be crated in the room so they were free to roam, stretch their legs, snuggle on the bed.

Just takes proper prior planning.

Re: Handlers and heatstroke

"Correct," I'm glad your dogs were none the worse for wear, but what you did was unnecessary. I took 2 puppies and a veteran and yet had plenty of time to spend with them. I go to dog shows to spend special time with my dogs and that's why they really like going.