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Placing a boy on limited registration

I wanted to ask what most tell pet folks about spaying their puppy boy? I know vets tell folks here in the NE at about 6 to 7 months,placing on limited registration I want to offer my opinion on this, I would think waiting until 1 to 1 1/2 years of age is the way to go?

Re: Placing a boy on limited registration

Most of my companion dogs, males and females, are altered at or around 6 months. These dogs have never had issues with arrested physical or emotional development, incontinence, or any negative effect. I assure the buyers that following vet recommendation for the 6 month age is fine, but not earlier. ( I HATE ANESTHESIA!)

The only thing I have seen on the earlier spay/neuter is that most males do not usually develop leg lifting, but some still do.

This is just my experience, with my bloodlines who are very late physical maturers (about age 4-6). I just have not seen anything negative.

Many breeders recommend holding off until 18 months on males so they develop traits such as musculature,physical features,masculine behavior, can put excess pressure on the pet owner to argue with their vet and as I stated, I have really not experienced any detrimental effects for my dogs.

I would happily send you a few photos of some of my boys who were altered at 6 months.

Good luck

Re: Placing a boy on limited registration

Most of my companion dogs, males and females, are altered at or around 6 months. These dogs have never had issues with arrested physical or emotional development, incontinence, or any negative effect. I assure the buyers that following vet recommendation for the 6 month age is fine, but not earlier. ( I HATE ANESTHESIA!)

The only thing I have seen on the earlier spay/neuter is that most males do not usually develop leg lifting, but some still do.

This is just my experience, with my bloodlines who are very late physical maturers (about age 4-6). I just have not seen anything negative.

Many breeders recommend holding off until 18 months on males so they develop traits such as musculature,physical features,masculine behavior, can put excess pressure on the pet owner to argue with their vet and as I stated, I have really not experienced any detrimental effects for my dogs.

I would happily send you a few photos of some of my boys who were altered at 6 months.

Good luck

I have seen different than you have. Some males, neutered early wind up with little rear angle and are totally straight. These same boys had great angle and conformation at 7-8 weeks. I've seen their half or full brothers neutered later that look totally different retaining the angles they had at 8 weeks of age.

The growth plates are not closed at 6 months. There is no reason to neuter a dog at that age except to make it easier for the veterinarian during surgery.

I know what I've seen, the dog's look is ruined but what about the skeletal health of the animal?

I do ask for buyers to wait until at least 1 year to neuter if not closer to age 2. Some vets are fine about it, alot are not. I look for buyers that I feel I can trust to do this and keep their boy away from intact females. They are out there.

Re: Placing a boy on limited registration

My gaurantee/contract states.......males are NOT to be neutered prior to 1 yr., I'd prefer closer to 18 months or older.........I also encourage ppl to wait to spay bitches til after a 1st season is possible.

I share with the Owner's and their Vets articles I've bookmarked on this subject. IMHO the dogs are sounded and better looking later IF ppl wait on the neutering.....OF COURSE there are prolly certain lines / pedigrees where this may not hold true.

But, experience has been the opposite.

Re: Placing a boy on limited registration

Thank you all for the info, I was hoping for the ladder two responses as I want this boy to reach his full potential in bone as well as overall appearance.

To blcb, I'll poke around the web to see if I can locate some good material to share as well.

Re: Placing a boy on limited registration

Here you go!