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Switching from Front Page to Dreamweaver

OK, this may sound like an incredibly stupid question, but here goes... I currently have Front Page 2002, and am having some problems with it. I never switched to Dreamweaver years ago like I was planning, but may do so now. Anyway, if I do get Dreamweaver, and download it, will I have to completly re-do my website? Or can I download it into the Dreamweaver software?

Re: Switching from Front Page to Dreamweaver

I believe you can copy and paste your pages on the software. Dreamweaver is quite easy to use.

Re: Switching from Front Page to Dreamweaver

Just open your saved pages (you do have them saved on a CD right?) in Dreamweaver and start editing.

There is a plug in available on the Dreamweaver site that you can download and it will clean up all the crap coding that Front Page puts in.

Have I mentioned lately that I hate FP? *wink*

Re: Switching from Front Page to Dreamweaver

Where is the cheapest place to buy Dream Weaver and how much does it cost?
Is it easy to teach yourself after using FP and what version do you get?

Re: Switching from Front Page to Dreamweaver

Laurie -- give me a call, I can help you!
