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Nursing mom and loose stools

We have a girl with two week old puppies. Mom has loose stools - they've been somewhat loose a few weeks before she had the pups, and things haven't gotten much better. (She had a c-section, fwiw)

Anyway, we've tried chicken and rice, canned pumpkin, fastrack, Dogzymes, Panacur for three days, endosorb. Puppies stools are fairly good, surprisingly. We did send a stool sample out last night to antech to rule our giardia.

Any thoughts on what might work to help this girl that is safe while she is nursing? The funny thing is, occasionally she will have a great poop, but it doesn't seem to last long. Still haven't tried Tylan or ponazuril yet.


Re: Nursing mom and loose stools

Cut back on her food. All the food does'nt do her any good if she is'nt absorbing it.

Re: Nursing mom and loose stools

Try the Tylan powder, she's probably getting the loose stools from eating all that puppy poop.

Re: Nursing mom and loose stools

Jackie, Black Sands
Try the Tylan powder, she's probably getting the loose stools from eating all that puppy poop.

Thanks Jackie & NY Breeder:

Actually we're not feeding her as much as we normally would be because of the loose poop, and she's not really much of a puppy poop eater unfortunately. May try the tylan, though right now our vet gave us a sample of Rx Clay that we're trying while we are waiting for test results.

Re: Nursing mom and loose stools

The vet recommended Prostora Max - a probiotic - and I like it better than all of the probiotics we have used in the past.

You can use metronidazole for short duration - ask your vet about it.

Re: Nursing mom and loose stools

test results from Antech came back negative on all issues with stool. Used Rx Clay yesterday and Fastrack, and she seems better today. Fingers crossed it lasts!

Re: Nursing mom and loose stools

Loose stools are kind of the norm for nursing moms. Tylan is a good prophylactic in case there is coccidia or other overgrowth in the gut. But the hormones will cause loose stools and you don't want to try to change that. If she is acting healthy and eating normally, and the pups are the same, I would just feed her normal food and make sure she has lots of water available. Congrats on the babies!

Re: Nursing mom and loose stools

Our moms and wee ones get Forti Flora(Purina),it seems to help alot.With all the extra food/water,eating puppy poo and stresses of motherhood,the "friendly flora"needs to be replenished.

Re: Nursing mom and loose stools

I went thru this and the help I got from this board was cottage cheese. Give 1-2 tbsp in a meal. Too much can bind.

Worked great when nothing else would. Give it some time.

Good luck.