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Looking for Info

Does anyone have any information about Van Dalen Labradors in Canton, Georgia. I have an acquaintenance looking for a pet yellow puppy bitch and they asked me about this kennel. I am not familiar with them.

Re: Looking for Info

Well, they have dogs from and co-breed with a certain kennel in Miami, Florida. Take it for what it's worth...

Re: Looking for Info

Very reputable breeder with good quality healthy puppies. Does all the clearances on her dogs and has some nice lines. I know this breeder and I bought a puppy from her in the past. She stands behind her guarantees and is always available to answer any questions. Also a vet and is very knowledgeable about all aspects of dog health and care. If your friend is looking for a good quality pet puppy I would highly recommend this breeder.

Re: Looking for Info

they have dogs from and co-breed with a certain kennel in Miami, Florida

I'm not to by associated with this kennel any more please. I've been flying solo for a while now.....learning and having fun with it.
Anon2, thanks for yor comment. It is highly appreciated.

Re: Looking for Info

As I would suggest with any kennel you are looking to purchase from....go for a visit. What some people like may not be your idea of good.

Re: Looking for Info

I think if you had left your email...people could have emailed you privately. IMHO this forum is not the place to be asking for someones opinion on this or any breeder.

Re: Looking for Info

NO Opinion on here
I think if you had left your email...people could have emailed you privately. IMHO this forum is not the place to be asking for someones opinion on this or any breeder.

I agree why would you be coming on this forum and asking about this breeder? Why not go on the breeder's website and read the testimonals and look for yourself. There is not even any follow up response from the OP to acknowledge the responses. I think "TROLL"