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Madison Ohio

WD Jen H
WB Jen H
What a riot!

Re: Madison Ohio

Jen H
You Rock Girl I guess the Full Moon works for you. Play the lotto today :)

Re: Madison Ohio

Why the thumbs down ??

Re: Madison Ohio

Dog names please.

Re: Madison Ohio

Oh come on, no other entries in the ring? Was she the only one with a good dog or bitch? What a slap in the face to the other owner handlers and breeders who had entered dogs today under this judge. Puzzled ? no just clueless.

Re: Madison Ohio

Im not clueless. But a list of the dogs that won would be very helpful.

Re: Madison Ohio

It will be up on INFO DOG soon enough.

Re: Madison Ohio

Judy Segedi got RWD with her yellow bred-by dog...

WD: Dicroft Quarterback Star
WB: Plumtree Jamician Jade
RWB/Best Puppy: Belquest Marie-Claire at Waterberry
BOB: Ch. Paradocs Delians Scrubbin In

Re: Madison Ohio

Better question, who is Jen ? Not enough info sometimes on here.

Re: Madison Ohio

How does one hire this Jen H ??

Re: Madison Ohio

I know 2 Jen H's. One is in NY, and I believe the is in Ohio? Please be more explicit.

Talk about jealous!!!!!!! You need to get a different hobby.

Re: Madison Ohio

Dear Gail R, I have been in this hobby longer then you will ever be no doubt. And I do not have to be any more explicit. And wow am I bad! Geesh made a mistake about RWD. I would rather be poked in the eye with a stick then to go Reserve. Rather not place at all Thank you. And Iam not saying anything was wrong with the dogs that won just the judging. And have finished more dogs owner handled then most. So no thank you I will stay in this hobby and continue to show my wonderful Labs.

Re: Madison Ohio

I was there and I must say the Jen Howard had some nice dogs!!! There were other dogs there that were nice, but remember Jen Howard is a professional and she made her dogs shine! She really did a good job, she worked her you know what off, she had a lot of dogs being shown and I think she did a good job. I don't think the judge was being one sided at all. It has been awhile since I have gone to a dog show and wanted to take dogs home. But, Jen had some really nice dogs that I would love to have taken home in a heartbeat. So, maybe tomorrow, it will be your day, but today was Jen's day and well deserved.

Re: Madison Ohio

Dear Gail R, I have been in this hobby longer then you will ever be no doubt. And I do not have to be any more explicit. And wow am I bad! Geesh made a mistake about RWD. I would rather be poked in the eye with a stick then to go Reserve. Rather not place at all Thank you. And Iam not saying anything was wrong with the dogs that won just the judging. And have finished more dogs owner handled then most. So no thank you I will stay in this hobby and continue to show my wonderful Labs.

Get over yourself.

Re: Madison Ohio

Who was the judge? Just because someone has nice dogs that are professionally presented, doesn't mean they were the best dogs, just the best presented perhaps. However, it's the judge who has the balls to put of the same handler for all top places!

Re: Madison Ohio

Judge was Lorri Isenhath Gordon.

Re: Madison Ohio

I Dont Think so !! Gail has been in the Breed For more than 30 years!! Im Sure !!! soo pack your bags and take a trip!!

Re: Madison Ohio

Like I said, Jen had very nice dogs and deserved to win. She also had more dogs entered. From what I saw, the judge did a very nice job in her picks and was very consistant. I have to give credit were credit is due The only thing I would change is that I love the Millmar bitch and thought she should have won

Re: Madison Ohio

Me thinks we may have some duplicate posters with different handles here

Green Eyed Monsters are really unbecoming.

And to the OP (and whoever else you posted as), Boo Hoo, get a better dog and/or handler!!

People are unbelievable!!!!

Re: Madison Ohio

Very interesting... Scrubs took BOB.

It was just the other day I was reading on another thread that "everyone" knows he's sitting in a kennel not being shown anymore.

Some people are just not as intelligent as they think they are...

Re: Madison Ohio

To OOOhh No, sorry have been in this 40 yrs, and Iam not taking a trip anywhere. I have a right to my opinion just like anybody else on this forum, so you take a flying leap, know it all. And as far as being arrogant, no just proud of my dogs and my breeding program just like everybody else. So you can all get over yourselves.

Re: Madison Ohio

You have to remember that they are dog "shows" and it is very important that the dogs be shown in condition and that their attributes be presented to the judge. I have seen many "superior" dogs that are overlooked because they are out of shape and not shown well. Is this right? No! but if you are going to spend your money to get a championship on your dog at all breed shows we all know that the best presented dog usually wins. In most cases if it weren't for the pros there wouldn't be a dog "show". We pay our money we take our chances.

Re: Madison Ohio

Great day Jen Howard! I wish I could have been there to see it - keep doing your usual good - no great job! Always a pleasure to see you ply your trade.

Re: Madison Ohio

I was at the Madison shows yesterday and today.
I was able to get close to "Scrubs".
What a magnificant dog. Great conformation, beautiful movement and a sweet temperment to boot.
That is one boy I would love to take home for sure.
My girl standing next to him thought so too!
It was good to see him in the flesh.
From my 20 years of experience, the boy was very deserving of his BOB win.
To the original poster:
At this time I think you need to practice some good sportsmanship.

Re: Madison Ohio

To breeder22, If you look at my original post, and any following, I have not said anything derogatory about the dogs that won or Jen H. Everybody that has posted took it upon themselves to form that was what my post was about. Stop and think about what I said. Open your eyes.

Re: Madison Ohio

And the thumbs down on your original post? And the slap in the face comment? You have not said anything deragatory??? What? Afraid you were outted?

Re: Madison Ohio

HUH? I do not back peddle. Outed? I do not think so. You just do not get it do you. No more on this thread as you do not understand.

Re: Madison Ohio

I saw WB: Plumtree Jamician Jade and
BOB: Ch. Paradocs Delians Scrubbin In
a few weeks ago and they deserved to win,
they were very nice. And Jen is a good
handler and shows the dogs to the best of
her ability.

Re: Madison Ohio

Hey Labadadodo, I have to say I'm with back peddlar, your "thumbs down" told us what you were "saying" regardless of what you say now!!!

Re: Madison Ohio

I cannot believe you have been in Labs for 40 years and have not a clue what good sportsmanship is! Some days you win and some days you lose, but at least have enough class to congratulate the winners even if they were all handled by the same person. She happens to be an excellent handler with some first rate dogs. I can understand the New Generation being like this since the TV and Video Games raised them, but you should know better!

Re: Madison Ohio

To the OP, you seem to be a very angry person. If you want to make yourself feel better, do it by showing and winning with your labs. Instead you try to puff yourself up by trying to tear others down. How sad!
Your original "thumbs down" symbol was very telling no matter what you say afterwards.
Your comment about "weren't there other dogs in the ring" was an insult to the judge.
You said that you have a right to your opinion but you do not have a right to spew venomous verbiage on a public forum.
You said that you have been in labs for many years, sorry but you sound like a newbie that doesn't like to lose.
I know many "old time lab breeders" and they have the class to congratulate in public and lick their wounds in private.
Jen Howard is a fine person who handles the dogs beautifully in the ring. Exhibitors give their dogs to Jen because they know she will get the best out of them.
Do not be so arrogant OP, be big enough to congratulate a job well done.

Re: Madison Ohio

Sometimes showing's a crapshoot. And sometimes the dice are loaded.

Re: Madison Ohio

And sometimes people just do not have enough class to lose gracefully.
Those people try to look for another reason other than the fact that the judge picked someone other than the dog at the end of their lead.
Good luck to all the wonderful dogs showing today at the Madison show!

Re: Madison Ohio

That's exactly right.
I am so tired of certain people feeling a sense of entitlement!
They expect to win and if they don't they throw a tantrum!
It's very undesirable and unsportsmanlike.
Certain people need to rethink the way they behave

Re: Madison Ohio

It may come as some surprise to those who still respect
all AKC championships that not all of us do any more. Just about the only ones I respect are those won from BBE in all-breed shows--excluding those handled by pros. If any dogs start winning from the new owner-handler
class, I'll probably respect those--excluding those handled by pros.

Re: Madison Ohio

I don't have a dog in that fight er show so all this poor sportsmanship slams has no effect on me. If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck at least some of the time, it is a duck.....

Re: Madison Ohio

Mayabe 'not naive' should just show at UKC shows then she could show her dogs without being afraid of the Pro Handlers

Re: Madison Ohio

Olivia Nankivell
Mayabe 'not naive' should just show at UKC shows then she could show her dogs without being afraid of the Pro Handlers

That was a low blow Olivia.

Re: Madison Ohio

>>>That was a low blow Olivia.>>>

Probably another one who dishes out thousands to handlers to get dogs finished. Take it for what it is.

Re: Madison Ohio

It is what it is
>>>That was a low blow Olivia.>>>

Probably another one who dishes out thousands to handlers to get dogs finished. Take it for what it is.

I've never used a handler in my life. Do you mean me or Olivia?

Re: Madison Ohio

To OOOhh No, sorry have been in this 40 yrs, and Iam not taking a trip anywhere. I have a right to my opinion just like anybody else on this forum, so you take a flying leap, know it all. And as far as being arrogant, no just proud of my dogs and my breeding program just like everybody else. So you can all get over yourselves.
If some of you only knew who Labadabadodo was. You *might* be begging for one of Labadabadodo's pups or dogs someday. Give that a little thought and back at some of you silly women!
More important, she or he is entitled to their opinion. We all are. The listed wins by 1 handler is overdone, period, my opinion, like it or not.

Life is too short to chat on a list about yesterday. If you're having nice weather, go enjoy it. That's where I'm headed folks.

Re: Madison Ohio

>>>>I've never used a handler in my life. Do you mean me or Olivia?>>>

Low blow Olivia.

Re: Madison Ohio

.....If some of you only knew who Labadabadodo was. You *might* be begging for one of Labadabadodo's pups or dogs someday. Give that a little thought and back at some of you silly women!
More important, she or he is entitled to their opinion. We all are. The listed wins by 1 handler is overdone, period, my opinion, like it or not.
Life is too short to chat on a list about yesterday. If you're having nice weather, go enjoy it. That's where I'm headed folks....

The weather is good everyday where I live. Question, why would anyone beg for a dog? Nice pedigrees and beautiful Labradors are plentiful. There is certainly no need to beg. Silly woman (or man).

Re: Madison Ohio

>>Low blow Olivia.>>>>>>>>>

I apologize, I don't want that sounding like name calling. To answer your question TSK, I was referring to the person who posted the low blow.

Re: Madison Ohio

I show in BBE and thinking about owner-handler. I'd say that makes me braver than you regarding handlers. I stand with my dog out in the ring in front of God and country. You pay your handler.

Re: Madison Ohio

Nice weather
.....If some of you only knew who Labadabadodo was. You *might* be begging for one of Labadabadodo's pups or dogs someday. Give that a little thought and back at some of you silly women!
More important, she or he is entitled to their opinion. We all are. The listed wins by 1 handler is overdone, period, my opinion, like it or not.
Life is too short to chat on a list about yesterday. If you're having nice weather, go enjoy it. That's where I'm headed folks....

The weather is good everyday where I live. Question, why would anyone beg for a dog? Nice pedigrees and beautiful Labradors are plentiful. There is certainly no need to beg. Silly woman (or man).

If you say so *Miss Knowitall.* You're so much smarter than than the rest of us.

Then why do some feel the need to buy from others breedings or lease dogs? I bought twice from other breeders and once it was the smartest thing I ever did. Everyone began somewhere, with someone else's lines in their foundation.

If "Nice pedigrees and beautiful Labradors are plentiful. " along with good health we would all have kennels full of owner finished Champions, bred strictly from our own lines. The major % of breeders don't have their own line totally. We all go out elsewhere for stud service also, unless we have a special stud or are cheap, cheap, cheap. I'm seeing more cheap lately on websites, breeders using mediocre stud-dogs that no one else would use to save a $1000.00 fee. The stud fee is the most reasonable part of a well-planned breeding but it's JMHO.

Plentiful is the wrong word. There are nice dogs and some aren't that nice and win anyway. A pro-handler can finish almost anything eventually. That's where this thread began, about a pro-handler sweeping a show. She's good, but that good? I question all those wins in 1 show also.

Re: Madison Ohio

Nice weather
.....If some of you only knew who Labadabadodo was. You *might* be begging for one of Labadabadodo's pups or dogs someday. Give that a little thought and back at some of you silly women!
More important, she or he is entitled to their opinion. We all are. The listed wins by 1 handler is overdone, period, my opinion, like it or not.
Life is too short to chat on a list about yesterday. If you're having nice weather, go enjoy it. That's where I'm headed folks....

The weather is good everyday where I live. Question, why would anyone beg for a dog? Nice pedigrees and beautiful Labradors are plentiful. There is certainly no need to beg. Silly woman (or man).

Exactly! If I knew who Labadabadodo was I would most likely stay away from them now. What ego's!

Re: Madison Ohio

It is what it is
>>>That was a low blow Olivia.>>>

Probably another one who dishes out thousands to handlers to get dogs finished. Take it for what it is.


There was nothing low about the blow. If you don't like the playground you are in, you go find another one which suits you better!

As far as being one who dishes out thousands to get dogs finished, I live in Australia, we don't have 'professional handlers'. We have some very talented handlers in this country and I would say that our good handlers could more than hold their own against the top professional handlers in USA. BTW I have seen the top handlers, having had the pleasure of attending Potomac and a number of other specialties during a recent visit to your beautiful country.

I am no longer able to handle my own dogs due to surgeries to my spine and shoulders following motor vehicle accidents (no, not due to my driving, accidents were both entirely other driver's fault). People here are more than willing to help out and show my dogs so that I am still able to enjoy seeing my dogs exhibited. I have enjoyed a 35 year involvement in dog showing, breeding and judging. I have seen many changes in the sport, some good, some bad, but ultimately, my dogs are still exhibited because I have a wide circle of friends in all breeds of dogs who are happy to handle my dogs if I find myself needing a handler at any time.

Re: Madison Ohio

Olivia Nankivell
It is what it is
>>>That was a low blow Olivia.>>>

There was nothing low about the blow. If you don't like the playground you are in, you go find another one which suits you better!

Your original statement was:

Olivia Nankivell
Mayabe 'not naive' should just show at UKC shows then she could show her dogs without being afraid of the Pro Handlers

You underestimate how rude your comments seem to others.

Re: Madison Ohio


Olivia Nankivell
It is what it is


There was nothing low about the blow. If you don't like the playground you are in, you go find another one which suits you better!

Re: Madison Ohio

Scrubbs is the best and he will win with any handler.

This days we have seen that the handler influence the judge more than the dog, remember Potomac.

Tha handlers are winning, not the dogs. They are known by the judges, friends of the judges, etc...

Re: Madison Ohio

Ha Ha Ha
How does one hire this Jen H ??
Have a full checkbook so I've heard. Go ahead and call me jealous, I'm so far from it.

Re: Madison Ohio

Just because you can't afford to send your dogs out with an excellent handler, or choose not to, does not make it wrong.
Yes, handlers cost money.
So? Do you provide your business services for free?
I bet not!
Also just because YOU may not like the quality of dogs any given handler has or finishes, that is YOUR opinion. Keep it to yourself and don't breed or buy puppies from them! DUH!

Ha Ha Ha
How does one hire this Jen H ??
Have a full checkbook so I've heard. Go ahead and call me jealous, I'm so far from it.

Madison Ohio

Actually, think the original OP is quite jealous!! The original OP posted to get people in a tizzy because they were having a bad week/weekend/life..... Don't empower that kind of personality..... This is the only way that this person gets attention!
Think that the original OP needs to either get a Rx or refill the Rx they have and get on with their life!!!

Re: Madison Ohio

New Person sounds like she has the mentality of someone around 10 years old.

Madison Ohio

I think that Jen Howard said it all in another thread! You go Jen & Team Howard! Congratulations on your success!

Re: Madison Ohio

New Person sounds like she has the mentality of someone around 10 years old.

Thats for sure, go play with your blocks.

Re: Madison Ohio

Scrubbs is the best and he will win with any handler.

This days we have seen that the handler influence the judge more than the dog, remember Potomac.

Tha handlers are winning, not the dogs. They are known by the judges, friends of the judges, etc...

What do you mean? Please Give Us Details about Potomac!!

Re: Madison Ohio

Scrubbs is the best and he will win with any handler.

This days we have seen that the handler influence the judge more than the dog, remember Potomac.

Tha handlers are winning, not the dogs. They are known by the judges, friends of the judges, etc...

I know exactly what you mean. Let's be honest folks - we all know there is bias towards certain handlers. If there wasn't, why would people be paying big bucks to have these glorified dog walkers show their dogs. Please, they could probably take a purple pig on a lead and get BOB! Sadly, it has nothing to do with the dogs and they are not being shown any better than by any other handler or owner. If you don't like it - write a letter to AKC & complain about the stupid judges that perpetuate this nonsense.

Re: Madison Ohio


I know exactly what you mean. Let's be honest folks - we all know there is bias towards certain handlers. If there wasn't, why would people be paying big bucks to have these glorified dog walkers show their dogs. Please, they could probably take a purple pig on a lead and get BOB! Sadly, it has nothing to do with the dogs and they are not being shown any better than by any other handler or owner. If you don't like it - write a letter to AKC & complain about the stupid judges that perpetuate this nonsense.

Get serious. AKC IS those judges and handlers.

Re: Madison Ohio

You need to stay in the LITTLE sand box until you GROW UP! Then maybe you will be able to play in the big sandbox with all the big kids!!

You got that right!
Scrubbs is the best and he will win with any handler.

This days we have seen that the handler influence the judge more than the dog, remember Potomac.

Tha handlers are winning, not the dogs. They are known by the judges, friends of the judges, etc...

I know exactly what you mean. Let's be honest folks - we all know there is bias towards certain handlers. If there wasn't, why would people be paying big bucks to have these glorified dog walkers show their dogs. Please, they could probably take a purple pig on a lead and get BOB! Sadly, it has nothing to do with the dogs and they are not being shown any better than by any other handler or owner. If you don't like it - write a letter to AKC & complain about the stupid judges that perpetuate this nonsense.

Re: Madison Ohio

You need to stay in the LITTLE sand box until you GROW UP! Then maybe you will be able to play in the big sandbox with all the big kids!!

You got that right!
Scrubbs is the best and he will win with any handler.

This days we have seen that the handler influence the judge more than the dog, remember Potomac.

Tha handlers are winning, not the dogs. They are known by the judges, friends of the judges, etc...

I know exactly what you mean. Let's be honest folks - we all know there is bias towards certain handlers. If there wasn't, why would people be paying big bucks to have these glorified dog walkers show their dogs. Please, they could probably take a purple pig on a lead and get BOB! Sadly, it has nothing to do with the dogs and they are not being shown any better than by any other handler or owner. If you don't like it - write a letter to AKC & complain about the stupid judges that perpetuate this nonsense.

Be careful, the cat's may cover you up in the "Big Sandbox"!!

Re: Madison Ohio

Well only the strong survive!!!

Madison Ohio

Yeah, with a little cat nip!

Re: Madison Ohio

Well, what do cats do with POO? They cover it up!!!! Ha ha!!