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Any suggestions for a 5 month old with panno?

Re: Panno

8 300 mg pills of the glyco-flex split into 2 doses per day. You should see results within 3 weeks.

Re: Panno

leash walks, crate rest and make sure the dog is eating adult food.
Some use Ascriptin for the pain which works well, but if you do restrict activities because the dog now being pain free will tend to want to over do it and thus make the situation worse in the long run.

Re: Panno

Greatly appreciated! Glycoflex which stage? I have 1,2 and 3.

Re: Panno

I just use the first one they came out with, no glycosamine or anything added. Bottle just says GF300

Greatly appreciated! Glycoflex which stage? I have 1,2 and 3.

Re: Panno

Any suggestions for a 5 month old with panno?

Try some rest for the 5 mo. old also. Pano does respond well to it.

Re: Panno

Our orth. vet tells us to let the dog play as usual, that it is self-limiting (when they are in pain, they will rest). It would do them no harm to run and play, and it keeps the muscles built up.

Re: Panno

Do you find that pano shows up in some lines more than others ? And wonder what the cause ? I hear of it alot in some of the same lines. I do hear rest for the pups. Play alone for the pup.

Re: Panno

We have had pano a couple times, it seems to happen when you are feeding extra to put a little weight on for shows. I think it can run in certain lines. This last time, we had pano was in a 8 month old puppy we were trying to get a little weight on for a show. We put them on a weight/low cal diet, ester-c, and gluc/con with MSM. I also tried some drinking Sulfa because I guess they claim that it works well with GSD. GSD's are known to develop pano some up until 5 yrs old.

After starting the Gluc/con/MSM, low cal diet, Ester-c and Sulfa she seemed to get better in about a week.

I think the show lines might have more pano because we try to get them a little bit heavier then field lines for showing. We always had the problem when trying to put weight on. Some of the pups were related and some not.

Re: Panno

breeder 2
Do you find that pano shows up in some lines more than others ? And wonder what the cause ? I hear of it alot in some of the same lines. I do hear rest for the pups. Play alone for the pup.

I've seen pano twice, heard of it more than that but not in any particular line. I think it's an old wives tale. It just happens and could be diet, exercise or other factors. It seems to go away as fast as it occurs with proper treatment and rest.

Re: Panno

I do think it runs in lines, without a doubt..I had never dealt with it until breeding to a certain stud (and yes, the dam had been bred twice before, both litters 9 pups, no issues). Out of this litter of 5 ALL had pano, on and off for months, and in all 4 legs (confirmed by x-ray). All pups were raised in diff. homes, diff. levels of activity (some went to families with kids, one was an elderly couple) and diff. diets. Full grown they ranged in size from 65lbs to 105lbs for two of the boys.. I was amazed each time the phone rang as I knew what was coming, I had kept one of the pups myself and was dealing with the same issue. So yes, I think it runs in certain lines, just like inverted vulva's, allergies, etc.