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CA family looking for house trained adult yellow to love

I have been contacted by a family that lives in the Napa Valley just north of San Fran and they are looking for an adult yellow to love and have asked me to assist.

The dog must be housebroken and crate trained. They would prefer it between the age of 1-3 years but will cosider older or younger.

If you know of anyone that is available please let me know and I can give you their email and information. I hope it is OK to ask here as it is easier than personally emailing everyone in CA! :)

Thank you,

Re: CA family looking for house trained adult yellow to love

Have they looked on Petfinder?

Re: CA family looking for house trained adult yellow to love

I think they have but I will ask them.

Re: CA family looking for house trained adult yellow to love

Have they contacted CA Lab Rescue Groups??? Animal shelters??? Or have they contacted local lab breeders about older dogs they breeder may be wanting to place??? Just some ideas to check into.