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Selling pet puppy with pre-existing condition unintentionally

I had my second litter go home two weeks ago. A few of the puppies had a lot of tear stains. They were examined by my vet and no problems noted. Eyes and lids looked normal. A few days before going home one had very weepy eyes and a lot of tear stains. I let him go home telling owners that my vet said the puppy was normal and that they will grow out of the tear stains and not to worry. They called me the next day saying the eyes were very watery. They made an appointment and the puppy has mild entropion and vet wants to tack. What should I do? Their vet wants $500 and mine only charges $250 but they don't live near me.

Re: Selling pet puppy with pre-existing condition unintentionally

I would pay for second opinion with Vet Opthlomologist. I would never let this surgury be done by general Vet.

Re: Selling pet puppy with pre-existing condition unintentionally

This is a very simple procedure that any vet can do as it is a simple stich put in the lower lid to hold the lid from turning in and it is usually very sucessful. I can't imajine a vet charging $500.00 for it as mine did it once for one of my puppy buyers for $150.00

Re: Selling pet puppy with pre-existing condition unintentionally

Something for you to consider (after this problem is solved) might be to change veterinarians. When you release a puppy with a vet health certificate you need to be confident that IF there are any problems your vet would catch them during this exam. Additionally, this is one more reason to have your puppies CERF'ed at 8 weeks prior to going to a new home.
Good luck with the puppy.

Re: Selling pet puppy with pre-existing condition unintentionally

Mine was tacked by the only vet in town that really did a good job with eye problems. But years ago and can not remember the price. Tack did not work and after a time we did surgery and I placed the dog. That did cost over $500. alot back then. I would think you need to take pup back or pay for surgery.

Re: Selling pet puppy with pre-existing condition unintentionally

I feel for you. We had our first cases of entropion in our 2 litters this last year. I though their watery eyes was due to the pine shavings which normally go away after the pups leave the nest. Naturally the 2 females I kept back for myself are the ones that developed entropion when they were 12 weeks old. They both passed their eye cerf exam at 8 weeks to and again at their 10 week puppy wellnes exam. The entropion was spawned on by a bad eye infection the pups got a few days post their 10 week exam. The one puppy's entropion was so bad on both upper and bottom lids that she refused to undertake the surgery so I took both girls to a top eye dr who repaired both girl's eyes for $1000.00 each. That includes 2 surguries in the future should the girl's need any more as their head/skull develops.

Not all vet's are experienced enough to do a good job on some of these entropions but even at $500 for your puppy family's dr to do the surgery is not such a bad deal.

I would pay them to do the surgery...have their dr send you a copy of the bill so you know they actually did the surgery.

In my case, I knew I couldn't keep our 2 show prospects who had the entropion so I opted to take care of the surgery myself and found good homes for both girls. They took the girls back to my eye dr for their re check exam and both reported back to me that the girl's eyes look fabulous !!

But yes, this is something that should be covered in every breeder's warrantee, In my opinon anyway.

Re: Selling pet puppy with pre-existing condition unintentionally

It's not always so clear cut (the diagnosis).

I had a case where both eyes needed to be tacked, and it was much less than $500. That is just too much - no matter where they live.

It's general anesthesia and 4 tacks - that is it - oh, and maybe a collar. Surely, no more than $250.

Re: Selling pet puppy with pre-existing condition unintentionally

Not so lucky in Entropion
The entropion was spawned on by a bad eye infection the pups got a few days post their 10 week exam....Not all vet's are experienced enough to do a good job on some of these entropions but even at $500 for your puppy family's dr to do the surgery is not such a bad deal....In my case, I knew I couldn't keep our 2 show prospects who had the entropion....

Yes, entropion can be brought on by eye infections. If the eye is irritated it's easy for the puppy to start squinting and tearing thus making the eye lashes start to roll in, especially if there is a crusty discharge from the eye. Why in the world would you place a puppy that had entropion, especially if it was infection induced? Tacking in this case is for health reasons.

Not all vets are the same, that is for sure. I remember years ago, when I worked for a vet, a guy brought in a young Shar-Pei puppy that just had an eye tacking. He held up the puppy to me and asked if the tacking looked right. I almost fell over when I looked at this poor puppy. The vet literally cut off all the wrinkles on that puppy's face! He had large incision all over his face with sutures in them. He looked like a Frankenpup. I was shocked that a vet would do such a thing!

But as for the OP's questions, in this case since the puppy had acquired the infection while at your place, I would be inclined to either cover half or all of the expenses.

Re: Selling pet puppy with pre-existing condition unintentionally

The reason I chose not to keep both entropion girls in my breeding program is because of what the Eye surgeon told me about entropion. If a puppy has a well constructed eye lid to begin with, an eye infection should not be enough to cause a full blown entropion like in our 2 pup's cases. I don't know about you all but spending $1000 to correct entropion by a qualified eye surgeion who I trust is nto something I want to continue doing so keeping an affected puppy for my breeding program was a no brainer to me. As cute and full of quality as both girls are, there is no way I was going to take a chance in breeding them leter on.
We also live in a region where vet costs in general are very high so avoiding a cheap eye surgery is not going to happen. Cheap is not always the best way to go.

Re: Selling pet puppy with pre-existing condition unintentionally

It's hard to deal with people that live far away. Since the pup had an issue when you sold it, it puts you in a spot. They should get a sencond opinion. Or call around their area to see what other Vets may charge. But people dont like to change Vets. I assume you told them your Vet charges way less. Maybe you could accomidate them for a visit if they are willing to come.Or give them some ideas on things to do around the area. If they are not willing to travel then offer them the difference between your Vets price and theirs with proof that they had it done. Or offer to take puppy back and give them another pup or refund. Just some ideas....Its not easy to deal with problems. It really is individual. And hopefully you had a talk with your Vet, because it really put you in a spot. After all they were having eye issues.
All the best!

Re: Selling pet puppy with pre-existing condition unintentionally

Yep find the cheapest price maybe a 2nd opinion from a Vet Opth. will find the puppy does not even have the need for surgery.. Misdiagnosed by regular vets more than most people think.

Re: Selling pet puppy with pre-existing condition unintentionally

I find that regular vets will often misdiagnose some of my droopier eyed dogs with ectropion but then they pass their 8 week eye cerf exam. I've had to do some educating with my regular vets on how some labradors have droopier eye lids than others but they still manage to pass their cerf exam.
I also think it depends on the severity of entropion as to if a regular vet should try and fix the problem. My one vet has a PHD and has been practicing at her clinic for 20 some years. She wouldn't even touch my one entropion puppy who had very poorly constructed eye lids, upper and lower.
One thing for sure is you don't want to let the puppy go on eith entropion too long due to the damage to the cornea and permanent damage occurring.