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Tapeworm med question?

Fleas are really bad this year. Is there meds out there that I can give my girls for tapeworm that are safe if they are in whelp or nursing?? I am looking for something I can order and administer, so I don't have to take the whole clan back to the vet. What does everyone else use, and have success with? I would also like to know how and where I can acquire the meds. TIA

Re: Tapeworm med question?

I use Fish Zole Tablets found at online pet stores such as Revival. I never have given Fish Zole to any of my pregnant girls or nursing. I always worm all my girls before I breed them anyway.

Re: Tapeworm med question?

We deworm before we breed also,but I know Panacur does Tapes and is said to be safe in the last trimester.We purchased a bred bitch some years ago that had Tapes and did the treatment.She had 13 pups with no problems.I'd step up the flea control,Frontline Plus is safe for Preg/Nursing moms.The thought of fleas on my babies is just nasty.

Re: Tapeworm med question?

Metronidazole or Fish zol is medication used mainly in the treatment of infections caused by susceptible organisms, particularly anaerobic bacteria and protozoa

not tape worms or any other type of worm.

Re: Tapeworm med question?

there are 4 different types of tapes dogs can get.
panacur is successful for tapes caused by eating rabbit, rat, bird, etc
but does not work on tapes from fleas.

Re: Tapeworm med question?

Explain the LOADS of Tapes that exited our bitch after treatment with Panacur then.I don't believe she got them from eating Rabbits.She passed them for days,never to be seen again!

Re: Tapeworm med question?

Perhaps you were seeing round worms, it is my understanding also that Panacur is not effective against tapes transmitted through the flea. There is a Fish Wormer, Fish Tapes Forte I think, that can be purchased through Revival, though I would not use on a pregnant or nursing bitch.

Re: Tapeworm med question?

I am the OP, I would like to try using Panacur. Where is the best place to acquire, do I need to get in from a vet? Is it available through a vet supply company.

Re: Tapeworm med question?

Why not ask your vet what is safe for tapeworms in pregnant/lactating bitches? If there's any doubt, your vet or you can call the manufacturer to confirm safety.
Very few things are effective against tapeworms. Not fish medications, not Panacur, not over the counter wormers. Worming medications are very specific for the species of parasite, and unsafe if used for the wrong purpose or in the wrong amount.
Of greater concern is the amount of fleas---they are very dangerous to small puppies as they eat the blood of the puppy and in even moderate amounts can cause anemia and even death.
Take Mom away from the pups and bathe her in regular shampoo, but keep soap on her for 10 minutes before you rinse thoroughly as this will smother the fleas. Then flea comb Mom. Make sure you rinse her teats repeatedly, to get all the soap off.
Use a flea comb on the puppies or spray a towel with Ovitrol and wrap the puppy in it with the head out of the towel, until the fleas die. These are the only safe flea killers you can use with young puppies.

Re: Tapeworm med question?

No,they were'nt rounds,they were Tapes,both segments and big gross ones.The Panacur worked like a charm for us.We don't often see Tapes as we don't have a flea issue.The cats get them from eating rodents(good kitties!).They are dewormed yearly with Drontal.

Re: Tapeworm med question?

the other tape worm can come from bird, mice, rabbits, squirrels and their droppings. Unless your dogs never go outside they could have picked them up this way.
the flea tape worm can also come from lice.

Re: Tapeworm med question?

The above link to fish tapes, and these are effective and economical for tape worms. I WOULD NOT treat a pregnant or lactating bitch and to the OP, I agree with advise given in regard to asking YOUR vet.