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English Lab blows entire undercoat, what's wrong?

My English Lab (8yro male) has blown his entire undercoat. And he HEAVILY sheds in the house, not normal. Andy has mild skin allergies. This is not related to this problem. I've never seen this in an english.
A month ago Andy was running all around the Dog park and running in and out of the creek. Now Andy plays some at the dog park a few days a week and gets in and out of the creek some. Coat looks orangey but I guess that is from so much sun exposure.
Any ideas what this could be. Food is Blue. Thank you.

Re: English Lab blows entire undercoat, what's wrong?

This is totally normal. When he went swimming, it probably spurred the blowing of his undercoat. it happens about 2 x a year. Brush him a lot over the next week or two and it will be out and ready for fresh hair to build up for the fall.

Re: English Lab blows entire undercoat, what's wrong?

It was brought to my attention that I left out that Andy has lost 7# in 6 weeks too.

Re: English Lab blows entire undercoat, what's wrong?

If you think there's something wrong, then take him in and have bloodwork done, including thyroid. But to me it just sounds like normal shedding. If he's happy and healthy, I wouldn't worry. The only other thing I would do is make sure he's on a high quality food - at least 26% protein.

Re: English Lab blows entire undercoat, what's wrong?

BTW - All Labs have pedigrees that go back to England. And basically all the Labs you see in the US are born in America. Those of us who breed typically don't use the "English" label. We call them bench or show bred. We also talk about field bred Labs - others call them "American". The bench/show Labs more closely conform to the AKC standard. I like to call them "correct". Field bred Labs have their own beauty but they are very different looking.