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Congratulations, to friend, Jim Russell...

I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Jim Russell not only on his WB, BOW, and BOB win at the Rose City LRC Specialty, but for his success and part in the HySpire program. While Vonnie, Judy and Lisa are the face of HySpire (who work so incredibly hard) many of you may not know that Jim puts in countless hours behind the scenes which adds to the accomplishments of the HySpire team. In addition to his work with Team HySpire, Jim has contributed hours and hours for our SJVLRC Specialty.

I have known Jim for many many years and am proud to call him my friend. I only wish that I could have been at the RCLRC Specialty to see the expression on his face through all those wins!

Best to you Jim and congrats again!


Re: Congratulations, to friend, Jim Russell...

These are my favorite type of posts . . .

Congrats Jim!!!!

Re: Congratulations, to friend, Jim Russell...

Jim was a class act through each win. He was humble and gracious. It was fun to see him in with the girl and beat all of those big HySpire boys in the ring!

The whole show was just too much fun...too bad all shows aren't like that one. People encouraging and helping each other...being patient when they had classes back to back...honestly cheering for the winning dog because it was so deserving.

Congratulations, to friend, Jim Russell...

Congratulations! GREAT NEWS!
Thanks Michael!

Re: Congratulations, to friend, Jim Russell...

Michael - I love reading your posts. You are a breath of fresh air.
congrats to Jim!

Re: Congratulations, to friend, Jim Russell...

Congratulations Jim, heard it was an awesome time.

Re: Congratulations, to friend, Jim Russell...

I still think you should raise your rates Jim!
Great win :):)

Re: Congratulations, to friend, Jim Russell...

Jim looked great, Vonnie found it harder watching from the sidelines, LOL. Jim is great with the dogs and he makes an awesome TriTip.

Way to go Jim and all of the other winners on the weekend...................Colleen

Re: Congratulations, to friend, Jim Russell...

I have to say it was way fun to watch Jim show his pretty black bitch and collect all the loot with her wins!!

With not many men in the ring these days it's very nice to see a male presence out there and Jim did an awesome job!

I'll be watching for his next appearance at PSLRA.....go Jim!

Re: Congratulations, to friend, Jim Russell...

FANTASTIC!!! Maybe next year the girls will bring him to the Potomac.

Re: Congratulations, to friend, Jim Russell...

Does Jim have a web page that those of us not in the loop could see his bitch? What is the name of the girl he won with???
Thanks for any added info

Re: Congratulations, to friend, Jim Russell...

I don't think she is up on the HySpire site. Perhaps we will see her pop up soon after that nice win!

Here is a picture of her from the Potomac:

She has certainly matured since this photo though. HTH newbie.

Re: Congratulations, to friend, Jim Russell...

Thanks Anonanon I'll ck out Hyspire..

Re: Congratulations, to friend, Jim Russell...

Newbie, et al.

I am not trying to be mean spirited here. It is not always about the dog, but about the person behind the dog.

Dogs will come and go over the years, but friendships established will or should last a lifetime even without the 4 legged creatures at the end of the lead.

This post, is all about Jim! I love ya man!
