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Small litters

I have not had my first litter yet and won't for some time. Still learning first.

In speaking with breeders regarding small litters this came up:

How many of you believe small litters may be hereditary? If you had a bitch that consistantly produced small litters - say 1-4 pups, do you think the offspring would do the same or not?

What about a bitch that produces small litters but came from a good size litter of 7-10 pups. Do you think her offspring would produce small or not.

A curious mind wants to know others opinions.


Re: Small litters

We had one girl (long gone) who was from a litter of 9 who herself produced litters of 6, 5, and 2. The 1 girl we kept from her has had 2 litters of 10 and the other girl we kept from her had litters of 8, 7, and 3. Just one experience though.

Re: Small litters

I, personally, have not seen any consistency from one generation to another in litter size. A singleton- her mother's only progeny - had litters of 5, 8, and 9. The mother came from a litter of 8. Her daughter has had litters of five and four. A girl from a litter of 12 had three in her first litter, etc.

Re: Small litters

I believe it all has to do with the numbers for breeding. Some breed to early, some to late. One of my girls from a litter of 12, had 11, 10, 9. Chilled am talking. The only small litter I had was long ago and a nature breeding. 2 pups ? But before we tested so much. I really don't think it is passed on.

Re: Small litters

Some yrs ago and not a Labrador, I bought a bitch puppy that came from a litter of 7. She produced 2 litters totaling 3 puppies- all bitches. All 3 of the daughters were bred( 2 were owned by myself and one by another breeder), 1 had 1 litter of 2,daughter #2 had 1 litter of 2( one of the 2 puppies has been bred once and she produced 4 puppies), daughter # 3 had 2 litters of 3 each. So...... I would have to say from that experience, litter size could be considered genetic. Interestingly all of these offspring with the exception of 3 were female and of very good quality. Just not very prolific. Early on we were doing natural breedings.I was doing cultures. After having the small litters, I started progesterone testing and did not see much of a difference. Each litter was sired by proven stud dogs. Just my experience.

Re: Small litters

Heredity is one of many factors. Age of the bitch, quality of sperm, etc.

Re: Small litters

AI's = small litters.

Re: Small litters

AI's = small litters.

In my experience this is definately NOT true. We've only done AI's and have had litters as large as 13 (not all survived) and as small as 2. There are other factors that can lead to smaller litters such as sperm quality and motility, age and health of the bitch and most importantly, the timing of the breeding not wether it was done naturally or via AI.

Re: Small litters

Really? Did AI my bitch both times and she had 8 pups both times. I consider that a good sized litter.

Re: Small litters

Just Me
Heredity is one of many factors. Age of the bitch, quality of sperm, etc.

Agree. Let's put timing high on the list. Many a small litter or miss can be due to crappy timing.

Genetic factors can exist. I've heard of small litters skipping 1 generation, any one else?

Re: Small litters

I've had 9 and 10 in AI litters. I've had 1 in natural breedings.

Re: Small litters

The only thing I have seen that seems to run in lines is the whelping history.
Bitches that have needed sections have produced bitches that need sections.

I almost always AI and my litters average 6-10 pups.

Re: Small litters

A-I with my stud dog, and a friends bitch = SIXTEEN PUPPIES!
All survived.

Re: Small litters

AI's = small litters.

Hardly...mine was 11. And many breeder friends have had 8+ on their AI's.

Re: Small litters

I agree with you, it is more the timing. We don't all have reproduction vets and the others can be off with when they say to breed. The experience from a long time breeder is better in my opinion. I have been doing chill for years. Usually 8 to 11 pups. And the girls are 3 yrs/6yrs, that range.

Small litters

When you say AI ... would this include a surgial AI?

Re: Small litters

thank you all for your responses.

Great info.

Re: Small litters

I think that small litters "runs" in lines. I more often have 6 puppies now in a litter, some smaller and not ever more than 7 or 8. 20 years ago, I had 10 to twelve. I think that the lines I have now are producing fewer eggs.

Re: Small litters

Its not necessarily fewer eggs but not enough ripe eggs being produced or dropped.

I do agree with everyone on timing and I have been right on with all of that but still think not enough ripe eggs are dropping/being produced.

Resorption is also an issue but not something you will know unless you have a C-section.

Been there to prove that but not on the second small litter. Same bitch.

And my girls have not been exposed to shows during pregnancy or whelp, no lawn pesticides, etc. go figure.

We may never know the answer to this question..........

ps: in my research a dog is born with something like 500,000 eggs to use during their breeding years.

Re: Small litters

Then how do you explain how one of my girls could only whelp her litters (3) total by c section and her daughters have all free whelped?

The only thing I have seen that seems to run in lines is the whelping history.
Bitches that have needed sections have produced bitches that need sections.

I almost always AI and my litters average 6-10 pups.