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Mr James Covey what type of dog does he like?

I tried search on his name here and no luck. Just wondering what he likes in a Lab? Don't recall showing to him. Thanks in advance.

Re: Mr James Covey what type of dog does he like?

Funny, I was just looking him up last night.

Infodog's past assignment history for him in Labradors. Click on the active link in the breed column to see his results.

Re: Mr James Covey what type of dog does he like?

He is not afraid to put up a dog with breed type - even if the dog is owner handled (and not to perfection). He's on my short list of judges I'd show to again.

Re: Mr James Covey what type of dog does he like?

He put up my Open yellow bitch for WB and BOS last Summer.
She is moderate in all ways, not doggie looking, looks like a bitch... strong points lovely outline with balance and nice movement. Not dripping in coat but correct coat, nicely wrapped tail. This is a bitch that has placed nicely at Specialties under breeder judges and pointed all-breed shows. This was a bitch that shows with enthusiasm, happy in the ring and tail always going.

Hope this is the type of info you were after and is of some help.

Re: Mr James Covey what type of dog does he like?

There was a very positive comment made above about how the dog does not have to be handled to perfection to win under this judge. For us owner/breeder non-professional handlers, that is great to hear.

I also want to throw out some food for thought on the other part of the post.

"He is not afraid to put up a dog with breed type..."

What the heck does this mean? Breed type is one of the most important, if not primary, thing a judge is evaluating when deciding which dog to put up. Why would a judge be afraid to put up a dog with breed type? That is his job.

However, I am assuming there is sarcasm involved and you believe that many judges do not define breed type properly (the same as you). I further assume that your dog carries fat weight, bone, and/or coat that many judges believe is not what the AKC (or any other) standard describes.

My assumptions could be all wrong, but I guess it would sound better to me if you said something like... This judge will not penalize a dog who typically only does well at specialties under breeder judges. He understands that there are different styles of labs and has an eye for a good lab, regardless of style. He has the confidence to put up what he likes.

Just my 2 cents.....

Re: Mr James Covey what type of dog does he like?

Thanks everyone. My boy is chocolate and is nicely balanced and moves well. With the 104 weather he is bald right now but when in coat has nice coat. He is in working weight which all my dogs are. I won't make them fat to please a judge. Thanks again for all your positive input. I looked up some of the stuff on info dog but have dial up so didn't want to wait for all of it. Didn't see that he had put up chocolates. Well if he can see a good dog he shouldn't be color blind. Thanks again.

Re: Mr James Covey what type of dog does he like?

Okay, let me try again ... "This judge will not penalize a dog who typically only does well at specialties under breeder judges. He understands that there are different styles of labs and has an eye for a good lab, regardless of style. He has the confidence to put up what he likes." There. Now I've corrected myself.

There was so sarcasm intended in my original post. And your assumptions were completely incorrect. You know what they say about ASSumptions? They tend to make asses out of people. I was trying to be helpful and simply because something wasn't worded to your liking does not mean you need to attack. That is the problem with this forum! Seriously people, there are way too many mean spirited people on this forum that seem to LOOK for opportunities to bash someone or any little thing. It's sad.

Re: Mr James Covey what type of dog does he like?

I would never show anything but a yellow under this judge. I have shown under him a few times now, and that seems to be what he really likes. I would definitely show a yellow to him though.

Re: Mr James Covey what type of dog does he like?

I have won 2 majors under Mr Covey, shown by myself (and trust me I`m no handler by any means) Bring him a nice dog with GOOD TYPE and he'll find it. At least he has for me the 2 times I`ve shown to him. I'd certainly show to him again.

Re: Mr James Covey what type of dog does he like?

There was a very positive comment made above about how the dog does not have to be handled to perfection to win under this judge. For us owner/breeder non-professional handlers, that is great to hear.

I also want to throw out some food for thought on the other part of the post.

"He is not afraid to put up a dog with breed type..."

What the heck does this mean? Breed type is one of the most important, if not primary, thing a judge is evaluating when deciding which dog to put up. Why would a judge be afraid to put up a dog with breed type? That is his job.

However, I am assuming there is sarcasm involved and you believe that many judges do not define breed type properly (the same as you). I further assume that your dog carries fat weight, bone, and/or coat that many judges believe is not what the AKC (or any other) standard describes.

My assumptions could be all wrong, but I guess it would sound better to me if you said something like... This judge will not penalize a dog who typically only does well at specialties under breeder judges. He understands that there are different styles of labs and has an eye for a good lab, regardless of style. He has the confidence to put up what he likes.

Just my 2 cents.....

I think your assumptions are wrong and you read too much into that poster's remarks.

Re: Mr James Covey what type of dog does he like?

Since proper breed type is interpreted so differently by so many people in our breed, to say a dog has "good type" or simply to say he has "type", doesn't tell anybody anything. It usually leaves me wondering what style of dog they are referring to. However, having said that, most people who use the word the way it was used by the showgirl or by Tammy, are usually referring to heavier boned, longer coated dogs who are carrying a lot of weight. So, you kind of have to make this assumption.

Showgirl, Quoting myself: "My assumptions could be all wrong ...." I agree with you about making assumptions and wrote this to indicate that. The assumption you are making about me is inaccurate though. But my wife does say I have a nice one.

Re: Mr James Covey what type of dog does he like?

Alot of us talk of type and know exactly what we are talking about and it sure is not a long haired, fat dogs. Thats awful to say. If you are not into showing don't talk about it. Type is more what you see at specialtys. But these days there are so many nice looking Labs out there that a nice size all breed show brings in alot of good dogs. Just might not be your type. We all, like the judges see things a little different.

Re: Mr James Covey what type of dog does he like?

ha ha ha. Now that is funny. Glad your wife likes it.

I think dogs can have wonderful "breed type" and not necessarily by overdone and they certainly do not need to be carrying extra weight. For example (as stated already), the Tabatha dogs are a nice example of dogs that are well made, nice example of the breed standard and also have "breed type".

A Lab with a slick coat, little bone, long body and less angulation describes a dogs that is lacking in breed type. But you are absolutely correct - "type" could mean different things to different people.

Btw- I made no assumptions about you. You should read what I wrote again and just relax. No need to get your panties in a wad.


Type???? Actually my dog was for from FAT, and sure as heck DOESN`T have a long coat. Great bone, great coat, great tail. To me that is what TYPE is.

Re: Type??

Yes Tammy. I love your dogs actually. But like you said, to you that is what true type is. My point is that there are so many styles of Labs out there because there are so many interpretations of what true type is. So if someone just says typey, I don't know what they mean.