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Collar Advice

My sister's sister in law has a Yorkie. She had eye surgery Monday and stopped breathing. The vet inserted a trach tube! Now the little dog is back home but they have to watch her closely. She can't scratch at her eye and she has the hole from the trach tube. The eye specialist sent her home with no directions on how to prevent the dog from scratching. An E collar won't work as the trach hole needs to drain. Does anyone out here know of any thing she could use to keep the dog from scratching her eye and neck for a few days?

Re: Collar Advice

Hi Debi. I'm very sorry to hear about your sister-in-law's Yorkie - how awful but glad she pulled thru & is home. The only collar I know in place of a E-collar (I hate those things), is similar to a rolled up towel covered in a soft plastic that goes around the neck. I do not know if they even exist for small dogs like this and it only prevents them from turning their heads so they can't lick, etc. and wouldn't work on this little pup who had a tracheotomy. It may be that they'll just have to keep a strict eye on her. Best wishes for her recovery!

Re: Collar Advice

Is she still using the trach tube for breathing?
If not, there are several types at JBPET:

The best bet is to ask the vet. This can't be the first patient with this question. Toys often have fragile tracheas, and are prone to collapsing tracheas. I am not sure what happened there, maybe the breathing stopped on induction before gas was used with an orally placed gas anesthesia trach tube, or once the oral trach tube was pulled.
For walking, she will need a harness that doesn't ride up, like the one from the makers of Gentle Leader. Your in law will need to find out what the anesthesia protocol was, and not have it repeated for this little dog in the future without vets being aware of the whole situation. At least they got her breathing again!
Good luck!

Re: Collar Advice

There is one called the Bite-not collar and also Jorgensen makes a foam collar, they both come in sizes small enough for a cat, they are not e-collars that are difficult to manuever or see, they look more like a neck brace. You should be able to get them from your vet.

Re: Collar Advice

The specialty vet that did the surgery sent the dog home and said don't let her scratch. I heard that they were going to call their own vet and see if they had any suggestions. Thanks for all the ideas!

Re: Collar Advice

Maybe put some baby socks on her feet so if she does try to scratch it won't be so bad. Tape them on.

Re: Collar Advice

Or just vet wrap her feet?!