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"Missing" Teeth

I finished a bitch before she was two under breeder judges but had a hard time with some all breed judges because of dentition. My girl was missing the lower #1 pre-molar on each side. She has had a litter and is now three. The missing teeth have erupted. She now has full dentition. The pre-molars are little nubs. Any thoughts?

Re: "Missing" Teeth

Very interesting...I have a boy with the same 2 missing premolars and was wondering how he would do under breeder judges as opposed to all breed judges. He wil be 2 next month and is just coming into his own. Secondly, I work at an animal hospital and we just got a new dental xray machine-might have to take it for a spin to see if those "nubs" are in there!!

Re: "Missing" Teeth

Does she seem any smarter??? Maybe they're her Wisdom Teeth. *S*