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Windfall Pipe Major

Wanted to know if anyone is still using him. I have tried many times to get a hold of owner and no return call. Is he still available? If not does anyone know of any of his Sons that are the same quality as Major that is either a By or Byc? TIA

Re: Windfall Pipe Major

He was a few months ago when I used him. Are you trying to contact Ron or Cathy? I initially e-mailed Ron and received a response right away.

Re: Windfall Pipe Major

you can e-mail Cathy Culpert. She is collecting him for Ron Cogo

Re: Windfall Pipe Major

Wanted to know if anyone is still using him. I have tried many times to get a hold of owner and no return call. Is he still available? If not does anyone know of any of his Sons that are the same quality as Major that is either a By or Byc? TIA

Could your email be going into their spam folder? I've heard he's being used, not as heavily as years ago but you should be able with an approved bitch.

If you want to find his get possibly at stud, go to OFA. You'll get a nice list there and can Google the names of the boys with the clearances & pedigrees you like.

If you posted an email address you would be emailed privately with more information.

Re: Windfall Pipe Major

Just a thought.....if you are unable to use Pipe Major himself, it really makes no sense at all to go to a son of his.
Unless you find one out of a really nice bitch with a pedigree you liked anyway.
What you want to do is go to his father, which in this case is impossible. So the next best thing is go to a sibling or half sibling if you can find one.
After all, you want to go as close to where what you like came from as possible!

Re: Windfall Pipe Major

I believe he is still being used. Otherwise, there's Hyspire's Travis, and Sally Cockey has a nice boy out of him. Also Collen Kincaid, although her boy is yellow. Check out Maritime website, she has some nice Major sons. Another Major son used has been Tremont's Fu Man Chu. These are all nice Major sons, but with different bitch lines

Re: Windfall Pipe Major

Wanted to know if anyone is still using him. I have tried many times to get a hold of owner and no return call. Is he still available? If not does anyone know of any of his Sons that are the same quality as Major that is either a By or Byc? TIA

I'll be using him shortly, Cathy has on her answering machine a close family member is in the hospital so am sure she is busy and I pray everything is OK for her. Just email or call Ron, I just spoke with him, he was very easy to get a hold of.

Re: Windfall Pipe Major

Major is still being used. His semen is tested twice a year by Willaim Schultz who says it is excellent.There were rumors that his seman was not good and this is simply not true.
Ron is avaliable and so is Cathy Culpert at 248 634 1716.
If you are unable to contact either one of them then you are welcome to call me at 517 548 4037.
also Major mother Piper is alive and doing well at 16!!
I hope no one thinks of this as an ad. I am not paid for collecting him . I am just a fan .

Re: Windfall Pipe Major

I can second Sheila's statement that Major's semen is excellent. When my repro vet analyzed his semen his description was actually 'awesome'

Re: Windfall Pipe Major

Thank You for you info. I bet my e-mails are going to la la land. I did call and left a message for Ron but have not heard back from him and that was a week ago. Maybe he is busy. Just wanted to make sure he is still around. I used Major 4 years ago and Loved what I got. So would love to use him again if available still.
Thanks for giving me HOPE!!! My Bitch is not due till september just trying to get my ducks in a row.

Re: Windfall Pipe Major

I love to hear about the healthy oldsters! Good stuff to know - that the dogs in our pedigrees are living nice l-o-n-g lives. Yahoo for Piper, and for Major, and for Ron, and God Bless Annie!!

Re: Windfall Pipe Major

What a treat it must be to look out the window and see both Piper and Major in the same yard.

Re: Windfall Pipe Major

Only in my dreams...

I have a picture of Piper hanging up in my office. She is the one I aspire to in my breeding program. Now, more than ever, since she is obviously healthy and sounds like Major will follow in her pawsteps.