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Dry/Brittle coat

I have an indoor girl who had a wonderful puppy coat, now that she's 13 months, her coat is very dry, lack lustre and brittle. She isn't currently getting any supplements.

Should I be giving something to add some oils etc to her coat?

She eats ProPlan Selects Turkey, the same as all of my others, but her coat seems lacking.

Re: Dry/Brittle coat

First of all why are you feeding her a food that lacks a lot of fat? First thing I would do is to put her on the pro plan performance, I would add a daily amount of fish oil (3 1000 mg pills per day) and if you want luster and shine try using the royal jelly added in her food. Also I hope your not washing her often, she should only get a bath about once every 6 months as if your washing her often your stripping all the oils out of her coat.

Re: Dry/Brittle coat

Flax seed oil actually has more Omega 3 than fish oil. My veterinarian had one of mine on it for other issues but the coat was absolutely gorgeous on Flax seed oil. I gave 1 pill in the morning and 1 at night. I found Flax seed oil also minimizes coat blowing in whelping moms.

Re: Dry/Brittle coat

She could just be blowing her puppy coat. I just had 2 (1 chocolate and 1 yellow)do it. They looked horrible. Be patient. The nice coat will come back.

Re: Dry/Brittle coat

I feed Pro Plan Sensitive Skin and Stomach to my oldest boy and all my others are on Pro Plan Natural Selects Turkey and Barley .. they all have wonderful coats.

Re: Dry/Brittle coat

I feed Pro Plan Selects Chicken and Rice, which is higher in fat and protein than the turkey. Might try that for better coat.

Re: Dry/Brittle coat

Be careful with flax. Animal studies have shown that it may cause problems with the reproductive system. Pregnant and nursing women are advised not to use it.

Re: Dry/Brittle coat

My dogs all get 4 fish oil capsules a day (1200 mg per), two at breakfast time, two at dinner time. They love them, and think they're treats! Also a scoop of the NaturesFarmacy vitamins once a day. While all the coats are different, they are the best that they have ever been. Even one dog who is a field lab has developed a great coat; while not "correct," it is now thick and luxurious.

Re: Dry/Brittle coat

Flax can cause problems, I agree Nancy. No one should throw around advice about supplements without full information.

Nancy Rudgers
Be careful with flax. Animal studies have shown that it may cause problems with the reproductive system. Pregnant and nursing women are advised not to use it.

Re: Dry/Brittle coat

check thyroid

Re: Dry/Brittle coat

and be careful about the human to canine translation with vitamins and supplements...