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Progesterone test in home

Can anyone give me a little input. Hearing different pros and cons on the Target Progesterone Test vs Date to Mate from Camelot Farms. Getting ready to purchase, but would would like some advice! Any opinions!
Claudia Rosen

Re: Progesterone test in home

We used Target for years. To save money on the test at Vets. But when the female got closer to time we did a regular prog. at the vets. I know, just paid over $300 for testing. And the Target last time I purchased was right around $100. So great deal if you can pull blood and spin it down yourself. And you do have to react a little before the last color. White. With all we invest in breeding I just feel better to go to the vet to send to the lab for numbers. JM0

Re: Progesterone test in home

I use a little pocket microscope and check saliva for ferning (estrogen surge) everyday once heat starts. You have to do this before feeding or drinking in the am. Easy and cheap, gets you closer to ovulation and then you can use office progesterone tests.

How I get my sample: I put her food in her dish and wait for the drool to start, catch some with a spoon and then release her to eat.

Re: Progesterone test in home

I have always used the expensive VET ones when shipping. This time the stud is an hour away, so I can be a little more casual with the exact number! I don't ever like to waste other peoples time, so I wanted to get a clue with an in house cheap test! I can draw the blood and have access to a centrifuge. Just wondering if you guys had opinions on the best ones! Thanks as usual for all the help!

Re: Progesterone test in home

have been using Date to Mate (premate) for 10 years with excellent results.
Have never tried Target.

I tried the ferning method but it drove me crazy and I gave up LOL
on tip on collecting saliva, use a syringe sucks it right out and ready to put on the slides. I might give it another try one of these days.

Re: Progesterone test in home

I use Target tests. I can do them at any time of the day, I can do them daily and really track the LH carefully (or twice in one day if I want to), I can confirm ovulation, and I can predict labor with them. I have found them to be reliable, convenient, and cost effective. I have not missed a bitch since I started using the test.

On the other hand, while you get absolute numbers with progesterone testing at the vets, I have found that the numbers are often not accurate (bitch will be 5.5 one day, 2.6 a day later, and 18 the day after that (say what?). I have known this to happen on a few of my bitches, and many of the bitches I know belonging to friends. It seems the numbers are all over the place. This indicates to me that lab error (handling, mix ups, failure of machine calibrations) are fairly common.

When I do the Target test, I know that I have drawn the test the same way every time, I have spun down the blood for the same length of time, I have done the test exactly the same way every time, and I know if I goof. This removes many of the negative factors of sending the blood out in my mind. It also allows me to chart the trend and rate of progesterone rise (and fall for c-sections). Personally.

Can you tell I like being in control of my own tests?


Re: Progesterone test in home

Sampson Labs
have been using Date to Mate (premate) for 10 years with excellent results.
Have never tried Target.

I tried the ferning method but it drove me crazy and I gave up LOL
on tip on collecting saliva, use a syringe sucks it right out and ready to put on the slides. I might give it another try one of these days.

I don't know how you get your dogs to not swallow because once they do there isn't saliva to test. I tried using a syringe and it doesn't work for me even with putting my thumb in the base of their mouth as recommended. The hardest part of doing this test is getting some spit and the easiest way to do that is to get them to drool. I don't know why you have trouble beyond that. If your using slides then you might have the sample too thick. It works great for me and only a one time investment of ~$20. I still progesterone test in office closer to ovulation, fern test saves a lot of money.

Re: Progesterone test in home

Thank you all for the input! I actually had 1 Date to Mate test here and did it today. What do you know??I am making a road trip!!! Looking into the other test recommended! It is so good to have this forum to get opinions! Thanks again and be safe! Claudia