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Ingen adds EIC to their testing

Dear InGen Customers:


International Genetics, Inc (InGen) is proud to announce the introduction of a new line of genetic testing that finally gives breeders a cost effective method of testing dogs for some of the most dangerous inherited genetic diseases. We now offer the following tests:

Progressive Rod-Cone Degeneration (pra-PRCD)

Von Wilderbrand Type I (vWD)

Exercise Induced Collapse (EIC)

Degenerative Myelopathy (DM)

Multi Drug Resistance 1 (MRD1)

Visit for more information on our new products.




As an example, go to our website and for instance if you have 4 Chesapeake Bay Retrievers you would like to test and want the PRCD & EIC tests, go to the shopping cart, scroll down and click on the photo of the Chessy for either the PRCD or EIC test option. You will then go to a page that gives you the option of selecting the secondary test you want and the quantity of tests to be purchased. Per this example:

PRCD Test ($60) + EIC Test ($30) = $90 X 4 = $360.00 plus S&H


This may come as a shock to some of you, but we are phasing out our original Pawsitive I.D. ™ product. Our new testing procedures represent a major shift in InGen's product mix. Although PID was a popular genetic test product, we are phasing this product out for several reasons. One is that the supplier of the consumable product needed to perform the test has increased the price of this product considerably. This would have necessitated a large price increase on our part. It has been decided to concentrate on the basic test products that our customers have stated they want to purchase and keep the overall cost down as much as possible.

What does this mean to customers who have purchased tests that are currently on file in The Customer Portal? Nothing. Nothing will change as far as your older test results are concerned. They are still and will continue to be available in your portal for viewing or download.

What does this mean for customers who have purchased a kit(s) and not returned them yet for processing? If you want the classic Pawsitive I.D. ™ testing procedure done, simply send in your samples as instructed ASAP and we will process them in our normal fashion. However, understand that we will discontinue testing on this platform as of September 1, 2009 or until our current stocks are depleted.

If you have an outstanding test kit that has not been processed yet, you may elect to have two (2) Premium Tests performed for the same price as the original cost of the Pawsitive I.D. ™ test. That amounts to a $15 - $20 savings over the current cost of the two tests.

What if you previously purchased a PID test but now want another Premium Test that was not available at that time for this individual dog? For a limited time only, those customers with previously tested dogs who want an additional Premium test done can purchase this test with a $15 coupon per dog tested.

Click here to go to our Frequently Asked Questions for more information on this program.

What about colors? At present, colors are still available on the original PID platform. However, color tests are not available on the new testing platform. Colors have been the most confusing portion of the PID test. We are re-evaluating and researching colors and may add some color tests for certain breeds in the future. If there is a certain color test that you would like to see added to our new platform, please email us your request and we will look into it.

Customers may still purchase Pawsitive I.D. ™ but only until September 1, 2009 or while supplies last. Please visit for more information on the phase out.

InGen is committed to providing dog breeders the highest quality genetic testing at the lowest prices possible. Our goal is to improve the health of as many dog breeds as possible through the use of cost effective genetic testing. Please visit our store at and take a look around. We want your continued business and will do whatever is needed to satisfy our customers.

Please feel free to give me a call or send an email anytime with any comments, criticisms, complaints or other feedback. I welcome all input from our customers.

Thank you past, present & future business and good luck with your breeding programs!

Click here to find out more about InGen or to purchase genetic tests

Re: Ingen adds EIC to their testing

Wow very cool! I have a kit that I haven't used yet and was planning on testing my new pup.

Re: Ingen adds EIC to their testing

Is this a huge price increase for this company? Previously I thought it was $75 for everything except EIC that they now list. It is still reasonable, I take it, but what about coat color, length etc.? Are they now $30 to $60 a test at InGen?

Re: Ingen adds EIC to their testing

Confused - seems Ingen is making strange changes...wonder who the science expert for the lab is now...Pinpoint and Texas a&m not involved anymore? ...little scary when my dog status is at stake.

Re: Ingen adds EIC to their testing

Well' I have to say that I am glad that INGEN now has both the premium
test available for PRA and EIC at a reasonable price, I am however not very happy that we are
loosing all the other test that were available with the test, including the
coat color/ coat length part of the test. This means that all of us that want
to know about coat color/coat length will have to go back to doing the test
at another charge at a different laboratory. That was the beauty of having
the INGEN test as you got more for your buck, plus you could verify PRA
even though both parents had all ready been tested for PRA if you were
only testing to find out coat color or coat length.

There services will not be as important to me as before as most all of my
dogs have already been EIC and PRA tested.
There are other laboratories doing the EIC test at a lower price than $60.00,
so if that is the only thing that I need done I will go else were to have only
that one test done. Most all of my dogs are Optigen normal clear so I will
not need to use there services for that but every once in a while when I breed
to a known carrier, so in my case they will be loosing business from me unless
they make the test more worth it for me and do the multiple testing at a discounted

The DDC is only 20 min away from my house and I am thinking about using
them for any testing other than any PRA testing. They have offered to give me
a tour of there facility's , so I will do that in the very near future and see if they are
willing to work with me on all my future testing that I will need. This will work
great for me as I can drop my samples off the same day I collect them and will
be able to get my DNA results back quickly and not have to pay for any shipping
for the samples.

I liked the INGEN test the way it was before and wish that they could keep it the
same way and just add the EIC test and raise the price, it would not bother me
at all to pay say $120. or even $130. to be able to have all the test done with
one sample, PRA,EIC,Coat Color/Coat Length and all the other test. I feel that
the more information we have about or breeding Labradors the better off we
will be for future breeding.

Re: Ingen adds EIC to their testing


thank you for responding. We have really only temporarily
discontinued these coat tests. We have plans to add some color tests and
probably the long hair test as well within the next few months. We really
had no choice here. Either we change our platform and respond to customer
requests, or we raise our prices per the increase in assay from Applied
BioSystems or go out of business. Actually, this change will give us the
flexibility to fine tune our tests to what customers actually want. So much
of the original PID test was so breed specific that most of it did not
apply to the dog being tested. And this was going to become very expensive.

If you could tell me exactly what color test you need in addition to the
long hair, we will get to work on designing a new assay.

Thank you for all your business and support!!!

Rick Dobbins, GM

Re: Ingen adds EIC to their testing

We would need, for Labradors, all three basic colors, dilute and non dominant variants of all three colors, white markings, tan points, splashed, brindle or tweed tan points, pigment coloration, etc. Look at your competitors and at what you offered before! Eye color would be great while we are at it. Some old, old and very good lines carry a good deal of splashing at points, and I've been afraid to go there.

Drug sensitivities
Does the Multi Drug sensitivity test ever identify any Labradors as sensitive to ivermectin, vincristine, imodium, etc. or does it ID just the usual herding types? I have a Lab who I have questioned as possibly having a sensitivity to Ivermectin, which was compounded when vet added loperamide, so I just never let her have it again. I have been afraid to put her offspring on Ivermectin for HW preventative. If no purebred Labs ever come up positive on the test, it is not useful to those of us who don't own the Collie family. OTOH, I'd love to use the cheaper Ivomec!

Re: Ingen adds EIC to their testing

Charlotte K.
We would need, for Labradors, all three basic colors, dilute and non dominant variants of all three colors, white markings, tan points, splashed, brindle or tweed tan points, pigment coloration, etc..

Wait a minute. While those test results would be interesting, I would find them mere curiosities. The basic black, yellow, chocolate test would enough for me. I also like the long coat test.

Re: Ingen adds EIC to their testing

Hello Rick

Thank you for responding to my post.

Can you please tell us what the findings were for all the Labrador Retrievers
that were tested on the Pawsitive I.D. platform that are not breed pacific.

About coat color, I think Charlotte has answered you question as to what
we are looking for as far as coat color.

These are things that would be of value to me as a INGEN customer.

Since INGEN is not noticed by OFA to add results to there data base, it would
be nice if INGEN provided a data base on there web site were people can go
and confirm test results, of course you could give people the option if they want
to have there test results posted. With all of the testing that is available now for
the Labrador Retriever, sending all these test in to a data base becomes very
expensive and most people tend not to send them in due to that reason.

It would also be nice if there was a section on the form to fill out that can
tell us if the dog was verified by a licensed veterinarian by permanent identification
or if the test was just done by the owner.

It would also be nice to be able to send in a blood sample as a option to keep
stored at INGEN for future test that become available. This would save the hassle
of having to send in new swab samples every-time a new test comes out saving on
postage and time that the sample takes to get to the Bahamas.
Your competitors have this option and it makes things much easier to be able
to fill out a paper and make a payment over the internet making life a lot easier
if you want a new test done that was not previously available.

These are test that would interest me for future DNA testing.

NARC, RD/OSD,CNM,TVD,Epilepsy, and Hereditary Cataract.