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Any results form Houston shows yet?

I don't know when labs show today. If anyone has time to post results from yesterday and today that would be wonderful. Cannot get info from Onofio for weeks

Re: Any results form Houston shows yet?

Most of yesterday's results are posted below. Today labs didn't show until around 12:30. Hopefully someone will have results soon.

Re: Any results form Houston shows yet?

the major held today.

WD/BOW: open yellow dog, not sure of name
RWD: open yellow Hunt Club Clayview Jetsetter
WB: Safaris Shooting Star (yesterdays RWB)
RWB: Copperstill Greek goddess at argonaut
bob: salty dog (same as yesterday)
bos: robin (same as yesterday)
best puppy: Danna hancocks Clark daughter

sorry I didn't get WD. Didn't have a catalog and didn't know the handler.
Congrats to the winners