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Ground Up Flax Seed

Has anyone fed their breeding stock Ground Up Flackseeds over thier kibble and had successful pregnancies ? I remember some talk about flaxseed in some kibbles being thought to cause bitches to not get pregnant. To me that doesn't make any sense and so many kibbles contain flax seed. It has omegas in it which I think would help my dog's coats.

Re: Ground Up Flax Seed

In another breed, with low fertility, getting off foods with flaxseed and flaxseed meal appeared to increase fertility. Breeders are not sure if the food change did it or if it was the flaxseed alone that was the problem.

Flaxseed oil goes rancid easily, and that would be bad for the dogs.

I'd love to read more on dogs.
For some of the science,
See NIH abstract from 2003 on studies in breeding rats (not dogs) and subsequent generations.

Defatted flaxseed meal appeared to delay puberty in males, and the girls cycled irregularly.There were other effects. Maybe having flaxseed in dog food is just the usual waste product looking for a way to be sold?

OTTH, there is this article on dogs from Waltham/Nestle-Purina, based on studies at Texas A& M. If I scanned it correctly, the study did not follow subsequent generations, etc.

Retinal Functions of Young Dogs Are Improved and Maternal Plasma Phospholipids Are Altered with Diets Containing Long-Chain n-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids during Gestation, Lactation, and after Weaning

Can't read it anymore--eyes glazing over!