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New InGen Genetic Testing

Hello Wiscoy Forum members:

Well, this has been an interesting weekend for all of us at InGen. Our announcement of the InGen testing platform change has been met with many comments. Some of these comments are happy with the change but mostly we have heard from either disappointed customers or those that are confused with the new testing format and the reasons for the change. I would like to take this opportunity to clarify what we have done, why we did it and what it means for the future of InGen.

As most of you know, InGen sells the Pawsitive I.D. ™ genetic test product that simultaneously tests every dog sample submitted for 128 different DNA tests plus Progressive Rod-Cone Degeneration
(pra-PRCD). This is a unique testing product and has proven to be very popular. PID provided a 64 marker DNA fingerprint, screenings for 37 different genetic diseases and many physical attributes including colors and coat types.

There were issues with the PID test that breeders had. Many of the tests on the PID platform are breed specific. Although we stated this in many areas of our website and on the finished certificate itself, many people mistakenly assumed that ALL the tests on the PID platform were applicable to their specific breed. This caused much confusion and irritation from our customers. And even some claims of intentional product deception and fraud. (although I believe this was generated from our competitors) Although there are many tests applicable to many breeds like the DNA fingerprint, long hair, brown & agouti tests, all of the disease screenings and some of the physical attribute tests are only valid for certain breeds. For instance, in Labrador Retrievers, only the pra-PRCD disease test, MRD1 and the Yellow color test is applicable as well as those mentioned above. This is still a great value for Lab breeders but it does cause confusion and we want to eliminate any confusion that may inadvertently cause a breeding mistake.

So it was decided that we would change our testing platform. There are several other reasons for the change.

Applied BioSystems Inc (ABI) , who is the only supplier of the assays needed to process the 128 different DNA tests on the VeriSNP™ testing platform, raised their prices drastically. This price increase would have to have been passed on to the customer through a price increase on the Pawsitive ID™ test kit, raising the price of the complete Pawsitive ID™ test kit to over $90.00 per kit with only one Premium Test result.

Through customer feedback & surveys, we determined that what our customers want are more Premium Tests. Customers like the DNA Fingerprint, Non-Premium disease screenings and color tests, but what our customers told us is they really want to know is if their dog(s) are susceptible to some specific genetic diseases and, if affected, how to safely breed around these mutations and raise healthy dogs. And they want a cost effective testing solution. Therefore InGen has decided to focus on new and existing Premium Tests that are processed in our labs in The Bahamas.

By focusing on Premium Tests, we can cater to many more breeds than we were able to previously. Our business plan is predicated on volume. Like Wal-Mart, with more volume come lower prices. And with lower prices we are able to assist breeders test more dogs and help the overall health of dog breeds.

Simplicity. The results on the Classic Pawsitive ID™ Certificate of Genotyping were becoming increasingly misinterpreted by some customers. This resulted in some unintended breeding issues. With the new InGen Certificate, misinterpretations should be all but eliminated.

So we decided to make the change we have made. I know this looks like a drastic change, but we feel this gives us much more flexibility to add, delete or change tests as warranted per our customer’s requests. We did not have this flexibility with the PID platform. It cost a minimum of $10,000 to order a group of chips (each chip would test 23 dogs for 128 different DNA tests and the new price was $520.00 per chip compared to $200 previously) And it was difficult and costly to make changes to the assay groups. Now, we can quickly add or subtract assay/tests as the market demands. (although it is still expensive).

Our new line up of genetic disease screenings includes Von Wilderbrand Type 1 (vWD), Exercise Induced Collapse (EIC) and Canine Degenerative Myelopathy (DM) in addition to our PRCD & MRD1 tests.

Does this constitute a price increase? Yes & no. We would have been forced to make a price increase to at least $90 for a PID test. We would have had no choice. Now for those of you only interested in testing for PRCD, the cost is only $60, so this is really a price decrease. But yes, I know that once you include MRD1 and the lack of any color tests (temporarily) represents a price increase with less test results. And this is where most of the disappointment from Lab breeders is coming from. InGen is committed to providing the highest quality of testing for the most cost effective price possible. We are still a huge bargain compared to any of our competitors.

As to future product offerings? As mentioned above, we now have much more flexibility to design tests for what our customers want. InGen will definitely be adding certain colors and the long hair test back to our line up soon. And as new tests come out, we should be able to add these if our customers request it.

Thank you for giving me this opportunity to explain the what’s & why’s of our testing platform change. Please know that InGen is here to help you and your breeding operation breed the best, healthiest dogs possible. Please let any of us know of any questions or concerns at anytime. In addition to helping breed better dogs, customer service is our #1 priority. I can be reached on our US phone number at 404-367-8400 or at anytime.

Thank you and good luck in your breeding efforts!

Rick Dobbins, GM
International Genetics, Inc

Re: New InGen Genetic Testing

I for one appreciate the open letter. I would like to know if there are approxiamate timeframes available for when these additional tests will once again be made available to the general Public? Specifically, the color and long hair tests?