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What is the right day to do an ultrasound. 30 days from the first or last breeding? I can't remember!

Re: Ultrasound

30 days from 5.0

Re: Ultrasound

I like to do 32 days from the last breeding, that way, I'm sure to see something if something is there to be seen.

Fingers crossed for you!

Re: Ultrasound

We typically do it about day 30 from ovulation...although I have had vets in the past who claimed they could tell as early as day 24 on ultrasound.

Fingers are crossed for you! Good luck!

Re: Ultrasound

My vet likes to do ultrasound on day 30 after first breeding/insemination.

We just did one not long ago- and he had a perfect image at exactly day 30. I've never attempted earlier or later than 30 days though, and have had great success with readings each time.

Best of luck!