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A couple of pool questions

This is the first year I’ve let my four Labs swim in our built- in, vinyl lined swimming pool. To placate my DH and protect the liner, I purchased a special set of steps so they could get in and out without fear of their nails tearing the vinyl, and I’ve been very happy with the results. However, the amount of hair that’s getting caught in the filter is getting me a little worried. Any tips on how to handle it, besides frequent vacuuming? Can the hair ruin the motor on the filter if it builds up?

And my last question is ----- I checked one of the pool company's websites, and their advice was to keep the dogs out of the pool. According to them, having one dog in the pool is the equivalent of having thirty people swimming so the chlorine gets used up very quickly and the pool tends to get filthy very fast. For those of you with years of of experience letting your dogs in your pool, do you agree?



Re: A couple of pool questions

Try some panthose on your filter intake.

Re: A couple of pool questions

What steps did you get? We will be getting a pool, also, and I was going to start looking for steps.


Re: A couple of pool questions

They work very well for the dogs.


Re: A couple of pool questions

In 1984, we had our in-ground vinyl-lined pool put in. Everyone told us not to let the dogs in the pool. (mostly because of the hair). Well, here we are in 2009 and we still let all 15 of the dogs in the pool, at least a couple of times a week or more (in the Summer months). We get more tree debris in the pool (pine needles, etc) than dog hair. We have replaced the liner twice in 25 years (that's average and to be expected) - there was no damage done by the dogs. We have had a couple of re-built motors put on and a couple of filters (one just last year). The dogs have never caused any more damage than the tons of kids that have used the pool. I would advise to have fun and let them use the pool.

Re: A couple of pool questions

My pool is plaster and i let the dogs swim all the time. After they come out I put the ray-vac. in the pool and let it vacuum for a few hours. That picks up a lot of fur. Plus a lot of fur gets captured in the skimmers. My pool store sells a skimmer liner that feels just like pantyhose. Nothing goes through that. It captures a ton of fur. As for the chlorine, etc. I shock the pool with super pool treat when everyone is out for the day. I have been doing this for years and so far so good.

Re: A couple of pool questions

Thank you, I was looking at that one

Re: A couple of pool questions

My guys swim in my fiberglass in ground pool that we put in 4 years ago. I use a piece of black soft/flexible screen in the skimmer basket. I bought a small roll of the screen at Walmart when we got the pool and we are still using the same 2 pieces. Just wadded up as per the pool guy's instructions and put in there.

Re: A couple of pool questions

Our pool is Pebble Tec but what I do to reduce the amount of hair is to brush my dog before she goes in. This helps a lot. There is still hair but not as much. After swimming, I take the net and skim the hair out that is on the surface.

Re: A couple of pool questions

I have a concete pool so I no concerns about a liner at home. You can teach the dogs not to scratch a liner pool. My dogs have been in others pools with liners. I make sure they exit carefully at the stairs and keep their nails short with no rough edges as most do for show. Use a dremel to smooth them often.

I think you'll be okay and insure things by putting in those fiberglass stairs as an extra safety feature.

Happy swims!

Re: A couple of pool questions

My multi-lab household would be miserable if they could not swim! Great exercise and socialization and teaching goes on in that pool.

On a different note: I have an older cement pool with just one stair area. Tough when teaching little ones to get out on their own.

Last week I saw the greatest swimouts in a new pool- small, bathroom size tile at about 4-5 inches of depth. Smoothly, evenly placed with a lot of glaze. Enough room for human to sit comfortably and play with little ones. Steps on each side for human access. I am going for two of these, one at each end of the pool.

PS: Saline chlorination is lighter and not so rough on coats.

Re: A couple of pool questions

I now have a cement Pond. HA, but have had a lined pool without a single problem. I think it is always important to teach the dog how to get in and out of the pool young, just in case they fall in. They do not panic, and always know where to find the steps. I just hose them off when they get out of the pool..Some have not liked the pool, others live for the pool.

Re: A couple of pool questions

Most pool stores sell the "skim sock" that covers the skimmer basket. This will keep all of the hair from tying up your pump impeller and burning up your pump. You'll need to clean it out often. You can't believe how much hair can come off of a Lab in a pool.

The bacteria level and organic contaminates are substantially higher on a Lab than on a person. After swimming the dogs you should shock the pool to destroy them. Then make sure that you keep your chlorine level at the recommended 1-3ppm. Also, make sure you check and keep you pH and alkalinity in proper balance.

One more thing that I like in all pools is "Pool Perfect" by Natural Chemistry. It is a mixture of enzymes that eat up oils and organics in the pool. It will prevent the scum line at the waterline and help your filter operate more effectively. It also will the chlorine be more effective, by eating up organics that combine with chlorine, locking the chlorine molecules up, so they can not do there job.
