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nursing puppy

Is there any harm in letting a singleton
puppy nurse longer than normal. Mom and puppy have an unusual bond, seems like they both enjoy it. Puppy is eating puppy food fine. Puppy is 6 weeks today, she doesn't nurse for very long and goes all night without nursing. Just wanting some opinions here. Both puppy and mom are indoors and almost impossible to keep seperate.

Re: nursing puppy

I usually let my moms decide when to wean the litter (assuming it's not at 2 weeks!), and most of them will continue to want to nurse a bit until puppies go home. After about 6 weeks I feed the puppies, then after they are done, let mom in to clean up - puppies nurse, but not much. Probably down to once a day by the time they are old enough to go home. Works for me - mom dries up gradually, and puppies are happy

Re: nursing puppy

HI Patty~ You let that little, Cally, nurse her momma as she wants. Since she's eating well, she's just getting desert now. Peanut will tell her when it's enough : ) And the best part, she'll dry up naturally.

I never separate my babies from their mother's. Mother's know when to wean and when to tell them no and when they can have desert once they are eating solids well and on a regular basis. Shoot some are getting desert as they are getting ready to go out the door to their new homes!

Re: nursing puppy

My motto is, "Dogs know more about being dogs than people do." Let the puppy nurse & the mom enjoy her little one.

Re: nursing puppy

I always let the Momma nurse her pups as long as she likes, the pups really seem healthier that way! the momma is less stressed, and dries up naturally...some want to be rid of the babies once they have teeth, others love 'em until they go home!