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Update on Puppy Contracts from Last Week

FYI - Here's the update.
My conversation with the potential buyer stating that I just couldn't let this pup go didn't go well. Here's what I offered:
I would put her name on the dog (No money involved) and she could go to the shows and be part of the experience as an owner. I would pay all the expenses, vet, show, everyting, etc. but the pup would live with me until the pup got a CH and/or I was able to collect and freeze him at which point the pup could live with her. The buyer turned me down. She said she didn't want to be obligated to me or anyone else.

Re: Update on Puppy Contracts from Last Week

Well then, looks like you narrowly avoided a BIG mistake!!
So glad your special puppy boy didn't go to these people who obviously would have screwed you in the long term!!!
Congrats on a GREAT decision!
Oh and best of luck with your new show prospect!!

Re: Update on Puppy Contracts from Last Week

I would have turned you down also, you just shattered this buyers world and now you think she would be interested in making a deal with you. You based your feelings of whether they would show or not, strickly on your own assumptions and you don't have any proof she would not have been loyal and followed through with your agreements. I understand that you wanted to keep your puppy, but you can't have it all and keep clients too if you treat them unfairly. By now she has probably moved onto another breeder.

Re: Update on Puppy Contracts from Last Week

if I was a breeder that didnt need a pet but would be great for you to do all the work then I would have took the deal.

but if I was wanting a family pet, why would I want to miss out on the puppy and family time that comes with owning a lab?

You should have just told her you are very sorry but you changed your mind and would be happy to help them find that perfect puppy.

Re: Update on Puppy Contracts from Last Week

me either
You should have just told her you are very sorry but you changed your mind and would be happy to help them find that perfect puppy.
sounds like she did say that and when they didn't want to accept, she offered the deal, which they didn't want to accept either.

for as disappointed as the buyers are, you are breeding for yourself. In the future, I would make a point of NOT selling all the pups nor promising them all away before you see what they look like. Keep back 1 or 2 of each sex until they are older. If you have nice pups, they'll sell.