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Glen Beck Discusses New Regulatory Czar Today

Glen Beck dedicated half of his show today to discussing Obama's new Regulatory Czar, Cass Sunstein. While I obviously knew his views on the man, it was interesting to learn more about Mr. Sunstein and what we have in store for us. It will be repeated later tonight for those that want to watch or record. Mr. Sunstein is also of the belief that you can put a price on a human life and that younger people are "worth" more than older. He also believes that smart animals, like a Border Collie, are "worth" more than an elderly person or a disabled person. No matter your political should be worried, or at least a little bothered by this man!

Re: Glen Beck Discusses New Regulatory Czar Today

Oh this man sounds just peachy! I'd like to watch this show if possible, what is the channel or network that it is shown on?


Re: Glen Beck Discusses New Regulatory Czar Today

Fox News network. He also believes that you aren't a human being until you can comprehend what "tomorrow" means. This is not understood until the age of two. Therefore, according to Mr. Sustein a human being can be "aborted" up until the age of 2 years.

Re: Glen Beck Discusses New Regulatory Czar Today

Thanks for the info. So ok, let me get this straight, he is for animal rights, yet how many animal know what tomorrow is? Yet a human child should have no rights to be considered a human because they can't comprehend that until after 2? Things that make you go hmmmmm.

Re: Glen Beck Discusses New Regulatory Czar Today

For the person who asked -- Glen Beck is on Fox network. I don't think much of Beck as I find him very inflammatory and always spewing hate (my sister thinks he walks on water so we just don't discuss it) so won't watch him but I don't think much of this potential appointee either. They are both scary to me for different reasons.
I did write the senator who put the hold on this appointment thanking him for doing so and will write my state senators as well about him as anyone else concerned should do so maybe we can still stop this appointment.

Re: Glen Beck Discusses New Regulatory Czar Today

Do you realize you put the word "learn" in the same sentence as Fox Network?

Re: Glen Beck Discusses New Regulatory Czar Today

I am a dyed in the wool conservative, but Glen Beck really does not appeal to me. However, I listen to all commentators. Sometimes you learn something when you least expect it. It is important to take everything in.

Re: Glen Beck Discusses New Regulatory Czar Today

I am a dyed in the wool liberal and I am concerned too. What does that tell you?

Re: Glen Beck Discusses New Regulatory Czar Today

Can anyone post a link for information on this person from a more legitimate/respected News source than Fox?

Re: Glen Beck Discusses New Regulatory Czar Today

you wont see much about it on the channels that the public come home from work and flip on since this was suppose to slip though with out notice. These channels pick and choose what the public should see and know.

all you have to do is read some biography on the man and it is enough to scare you if you own any animals.

Re: Glen Beck Discusses New Regulatory Czar Today

Fox News is as fair and balanced as you can get in today's media. That's why the left hates this station so much and wants to shut it down; they [the left] can't stand it when anyone brings up any fact-based opposition to their far-left, liberal views!

Viva FOX!

As for Glenn Beck...try reading his books sometime...a LOT of historical fact, generously sprinkled with abundant amounts of humor, and COMMON SENSE!

Re: Glen Beck Discusses New Regulatory Czar Today

Barb @ Red Birch
Fox News is as fair and balanced as you can get in today's media.

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Thanks for a good one! But seriously, if anyone has any links, I would appreciate it.

Re: Glen Beck Discusses New Regulatory Czar Today

To researcher- try searching on Conservative sites (redstate, etc.) bash it and say it is too liberal, liberal sites (dailykos, huffpost,etc) say it is too conservative, so I figure it is pretty middle of the road. Also there is a Sunstein bio on wikipedia: that outlines some of his viewpoints in re: to animal rights. When trying to make my decisions I try to avoid "inflammagogs" and do my own research.

Re: Glen Beck Discusses New Regulatory Czar Today

Why is anyone who doesn't enjoy watching Fox far left or liberal? I consider myself moderate and independent (I don't vote a straight ticket and am willing to vote for the best candidate rather than a party) but from what I've seen of Beck and other hosts on Fox they appear to be biased towards white, well off (especially male) Americans. I don't see that as fair and balanced. However I will stand up for the right for Fox to exist as much as any other station. After all I am not tied to a chair and forced to watch it fortunately. I can by pass shows I don't like just as we can ignore threads on here, delete posts, not answer the phone, and not read Glen Beck's book.
And again, I find the regulatory candidate scary, too, even though I am not a rightie so that we agree about!

Re: Glen Beck Discusses New Regulatory Czar Today

Thank you!

To Researcher
To researcher- try searching on Conservative sites (redstate, etc.) bash it and say it is too liberal, liberal sites (dailykos, huffpost,etc) say it is too conservative, so I figure it is pretty middle of the road. Also there is a Sunstein bio on wikipedia: that outlines some of his viewpoints in re: to animal rights. When trying to make my decisions I try to avoid "inflammagogs" and do my own research.

Re: Glen Beck Discusses New Regulatory Czar Today

Deb H.
Why is anyone who doesn't enjoy watching Fox far left or liberal? I consider myself moderate and independent (I don't vote a straight ticket and am willing to vote for the best candidate rather than a party) but from what I've seen of Beck and other hosts on Fox they appear to be biased towards white, well off (especially male) Americans. I don't see that as fair and balanced. However I will stand up for the right for Fox to exist as much as any other station. After all I am not tied to a chair and forced to watch it fortunately. I can by pass shows I don't like just as we can ignore threads on here, delete posts, not answer the phone, and not read Glen Beck's book.
And again, I find the regulatory candidate scary, too, even though I am not a rightie so that we agree about!

Deb H: Well said! What a "fair and balanced" person you seem to be with common sense!