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3 year old Ch but bad mom?

I have a Ch female that has every clearance she can get. Very sweet girl and gets along great with anyone and any dog. She had a litter and lost her mind. I saw a post from a few days ago that said calcium would help. The last litter after she was beating the puppies up and throwing them around so much they were taken away at about 4 days old. Now at 5 weeks old she sees them in the puppy yard and runs at the fence aggressive. So with this would you still say try her again and give calcium or no way don't breed her again.

Re: 3 year old Ch but bad mom?

This girl was bred again after acting like that & not knowing what caused it??? Try the calcium!

Re: 3 year old Ch but bad mom?

No she was not bred again. This was her first litter. I was going to spay her. I have had people tell me to give her another chance and some say to spay her. If she did not have everything else in the world going for her it would be easy to just spay her.

Re: 3 year old Ch but bad mom?

Sorry, I misunderstood about the number of litters she'd had. Try the calcium and see if it helps. I know some bitches are HORRIBLE Mom's the first time and WONDERFUL the second litter. Hard call to make for sure if you don't know what's causing the problem in the first place.

Re: 3 year old Ch but bad mom?

Only you know your girl best but I can tell you what happened to 2 different bitches I owned. One girl I bought as a puppy and the other girl I bred. Both girls showed early signs of not enjoying being around pups. The first bitch I had bought from a well known kennel had all her clearances and I did end up breeding her one time but that breeding didn't take. I re thought everything and decided to spay this girl at 2 yrs old and placed her in a home where she would be the only dog. This dog got along with other dogs but she didn't like puppies.
The 2nd bitch started showing signs of not liking puppies when her own mother was raising her 3rd litter and this 2nd bitch would charge the fence at the 5 week old pups. This bitch would have been around a year old when she showed this aggressive type behavior towards the pups in her mom's litter.
I asked some long time breeders their opinion on what I should do with this bitch and I got the same response..half said to breed her and see if her maternal hormones kick in and the other breeders said to spay her. I decided to breed her and sure enough, she refused to nurse and take care of her puppies. I kept one of her daughters who is now 6 months old and they can play together just find but it's that puppy stage that un nerves this bitch. I spayed her in short order. If the daughter I kept out of this spayed bitch grows up and shows any negative behavior towards pups then she will get spayed to.
It's imperative to only breed from dogs, both bitches and stud dogs who show typical Labrador temperament. YOu need a good, nurturing mother who can take care of her own pups without worrying about her killing them or being stupid with her babies. It needs to be a natural instince which most mother dogs have.
Good luck, I wish you the best with your current situation. It's never an easy decision to make.

Re: 3 year old Ch but bad mom?

I had a bitch that would be aggressive to puppies if they would be at the other side of the fence. Otherwise, excellent temperament with some obedience titles. Her first litter was a disaster, many puppies didn't make it. She also had mastitis which made things worse. Because I loved her so much -CH also- , and I'm crazy enough, I decided to try again. At the begging she got aggressive to them- she was even aggressive to her own back legs-, but it got solved with Calcium suplementation and controlling the number of puppies she would have at a time. She had a full litter of 11 puppies, raised them and loved them. She was still aggressive at them latter if they would come to her on the other side of the fence.....that I think is because she is use to fence fighting with my neighbor's dogs. If she is with the puppies, hers or any other, she loves them, gets all happy wagging tail and plays with them.
Her mother was the best mom. I kept 1 girl, that I haven't bred.

Re: 3 year old Ch but bad mom?

There is something about a fence, I really don't understand but I do know that our bitch will growl and bark when separated from her puppy by a fence. When we allow the puppy in with her nary a discouraging word. Not saying this is the answer, just my experience with a fence and dogs.

Agressiveness after right after whelping, surely a calcium deficiency

Re: 3 year old Ch but bad mom?

I wouldn't tolerate it. She can be as beautiful and physically sound as all get out, but I can't and don't want to live with a dog aggressive towards puppies.

I'd spay her and keep her away from your other girl's litters.

Re: 3 year old Ch but bad mom?

Thanks all! We have the same kind of thing with a mixed spayed girl. She gets a long with everyone until they are in a kennel or another yard or even on a leash she does not like.
BTW she has been with other puppies while I sat there and she didnt do anything. a 7 week old and a 14 week old.