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Conclusion to cruciate ligament injuries

Thanks everyone for there witt and comments.I think genetic and conformation is the same thing as if your dog has straight or bowed legs its both there genetic make up and thus conformational make up.I believe in the case of my three month old puppy that she was too young to have a 100lb dad jumping on her and makes me sick I ever let him out to play with the puppies a total rookie mistake that has cost my girl pain.The only thing that can be done is for me to care for her for the rest of her life with what ever her needs are.In the case of the second dog she has bowed legs and can now see why she has arthritis in both legs and a cruciate injury in the one.The sire of this second dog is very well known and has been used alot through the years.He has all his clearances and has never had a problem her dam was conformationally correct as well so guess every once in a while something pops out that just shouldnt on paper.In this case its the same outcome I made her and will love and care for her for life.In the future will look a bit harder as to straight or bowed legs in pedigree is I guess all that can be done and the obvious keep playful puppies away from exuberant giants..

Re: Conclusion to cruciate ligament injuries

I'm so sorry to hear about your "squished" pup but stuff happens - even to veteran breeders (aka "Advanced Newbies". I do believe that you can research pedigrees, etc. until you're blind but every once in a while "stuff happens" too. Hugs to you & your crew!

Re: Conclusion to cruciate ligament injuries

not a dumb mistake, just an accident.
pups need to socialize with the adults, we all do it you cant shelter them forever.

plus goofy male labs tend to forget they are no longer puppies when the fun starts, like big baby Huey.