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Tilly is a loveing, sensitive, happy, smart and very loyal girl. I know because I own her, her father Mason and they both have lived with me since they were puppies. It made me feel so good yesterday hearing that like her father,Mason, Tilly is also a BIS winner.
I really needed some good news yesterday. My girl Mattie of 13 had a 6lb tumor removed and is still
touch and go. My girl Witchy who is 12 is loosing the battle and I will have to seriouly make a decision on what to do on Monday. Just as I returned home from the vets around 8:00 pm the phone rang and it was Rusty Howard. He told me the good news about Tilly and I could not help but be so proud of her. Like her father she has that spark and loves to show. I knew that my Tilly was having a lot of fun in the show ring.
In the middle of feeling like I was loosing my two best friends, being all alone, at night, I got the call from Rusty Howard as I walked in the door. It was like a ray of Sunshine. Thank you Rusty.
Please try to be nice to every one. You never know what you are being so nasty about, might mean or be doing for someone else.


Lynn Greskevitch
Tilly is a loveing, sensitive, happy, smart and very loyal girl. I know because I own her, her father Mason and they both have lived with me since they were puppies. It made me feel so good yesterday hearing that like her father,Mason, Tilly is also a BIS winner.
I really needed some good news yesterday. My girl Mattie of 13 had a 6lb tumor removed and is still
touch and go. My girl Witchy who is 12 is loosing the battle and I will have to seriouly make a decision on what to do on Monday. Just as I returned home from the vets around 8:00 pm the phone rang and it was Rusty Howard. He told me the good news about Tilly and I could not help but be so proud of her. Like her father she has that spark and loves to show. I knew that my Tilly was having a lot of fun in the show ring.
In the middle of feeling like I was loosing my two best friends, being all alone, at night, I got the call from Rusty Howard as I walked in the door. It was like a ray of Sunshine. Thank you Rusty.
Please try to be nice to every one. You never know what you are being so nasty about, might mean or be doing for someone else.

Congrats to you and Tilly! Lynn, I don't believe the barbs were meant for you - most of us know who it was intended for. Tilly has had an awesome year and I'm sure it was just an oversight, but alot of the credit for her success belongs with another handler. I am sure you are thankful to her also.

I am so sorry to hear of your sick babies. We have all lost our hearts with losses of our wonderful dogs and know the pain you are feeling. I, for one, will pray that you have good outcomes.

Enjoy your BIS. Tilly's a lovely girl.


Kudos to you, Lynn, Rusty and Tilly. You are so right. And I am glad you finally stood up to take proper credit for all your girl has done. Keep up the good work!


Lynn, I'm sorry you've been going through so much with some of your dogs. This was a true *ray of sunshine* and I am happy for you, Tilly and Rusty.

Hop up on Cloud9 and know those of us that really care are there with you! Take credit for the hard work you've done, you certainly deserve it. I am glad I can finally congratulate YOU, the deserving party on this win!


Congratulations Lynn, and of course, having the sire of her, a nicer congratulations, but not only should it be extended to her current handler, but handler of the past, as well as I am sure that Tilly has two parents. Let's not forget everyone who contributed to a pretty girl.


It took two
Congratulations Lynn, and of course, having the sire of her, a nicer congratulations, but not only should it be extended to her current handler, but handler of the past, as well as I am sure that Tilly has two parents. Let's not forget everyone who contributed to a pretty girl.

The co-owner normally posts quickly about Tilly with no mention of Lynn from what I've seen numerous times. So who isn't including the right people and how many wins overall include the name of the handler?

Don't get picky, it sounds like Lynn has had her fair share of dog illness and has a very good sport through her own name being left out all the time.

That's what I see happen, I don't even know Lynn but I'm very happy for her and glad to share this with her for a change.

Congratulations Lynn and Tilly. Enjoy your ray of sunshine.


It was not being picky. It was just a mere omission that I took the liberty of including.

I started out with a positive congratulations, so trying again, to keep it that way.

Since the original post here went on to be so very proud of the sire and owning the sire, I just wanted to add there is a mother in there too. The other party is not just "another co-own", but THE actual breeder of this dog that we should also be congratulating. A simple mention was all I suggested. It didn't have to be all about the breeder,I am not suggesting that.

As a stud owner, I can't stand it when everything gets blamed on the stud dog. So if ever a compliment came my way for my stud dog producing a nice puppy, I would be sure to include the dam with that kudos.

Just trying to spread the kudos around to all involved on a very nice win for everyone involved.

For what it's worth, I have nothing personally vested in any parties involved in this win.


Hi Lynn~ I met you at the hotel counter last year at National..I want to Congratulate you on your lovely girl's BIS! I got to see her at OKC.. Noah took BOS to her a few times. She is very deserving of her wins. And she is indeed quite the show girl. You have every right to be so proud.

I'm sorry to hear about your two companions at home not doing well.

I'm glad this Ray of Sunshine, Rusty could share w/ you!

Take care,


WAY TO GO LYNN ! YA GOT A BIS !!!! Very nice and well deserved .


It took two
It was not being picky. It was just a mere omission that I took the liberty of including.

I started out with a positive congratulations, so trying again, to keep it that way.

Since the original post here went on to be so very proud of the sire and owning the sire, I just wanted to add there is a mother in there too. The other party is not just "another co-own", but THE actual breeder of this dog that we should also be congratulating. A simple mention was all I suggested. It didn't have to be all about the breeder,I am not suggesting that.

As a stud owner, I can't stand it when everything gets blamed on the stud dog. So if ever a compliment came my way for my stud dog producing a nice puppy, I would be sure to include the dam with that kudos.

Just trying to spread the kudos around to all involved on a very nice win for everyone involved.

For what it's worth, I have nothing personally vested in any parties involved in this win.

I don't either, I don't know either one well. I also don't want to turn this negative for Lynn's sake given her other situations she mentioned. That being said, the "breeder-co-owner" has had many brags about Tilly and NEVER mentions who especially the co-owner is (where the dog lives!) or who the stud-dog is. There is never congratulations to Lynn, I didn't even know Lynn existed until I looked up Tilly's full name on Google .

It's Lynn's turn to do it her way and she did it like a lady, JMHO.


Fair enough, I didn't post on this thread to start an argument nor be negative about the win. I actually believe I was quite positive with a bit of a boost to everyone else involved in the win.

I don't know how you feel the breeder has come on this forum to brag so much on Tilly herself. I read almost all of the posts here, and haven't seen too many from the her about Tilly. Yes, I have seen the odd posts from her on her owned dogs and yet those are not even remotely consuming of the forum as some other breeders are about theirs (ie: Team so and so).

I'll end this with a bit extra positiveness and include an extra happy face. : It was a great win, deserving win for all involved. The dog is lovely and I wish great success to her owners. Again, as with my original post, CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL INVOLVED!


What I've seen
It took two
Congratulations Lynn, and of course, having the sire of her, a nicer congratulations, but not only should it be extended to her current handler, but handler of the past, as well as I am sure that Tilly has two parents. Let's not forget everyone who contributed to a pretty girl.

The co-owner normally posts quickly about Tilly with no mention of Lynn from what I've seen numerous times. So who isn't including the right people and how many wins overall include the name of the handler?

Don't get picky, it sounds like Lynn has had her fair share of dog illness and has a very good sport through her own name being left out all the time.

That's what I see happen, I don't even know Lynn but I'm very happy for her and glad to share this with her for a change.

Congratulations Lynn and Tilly. Enjoy your ray of sunshine.

It's the same story with Scrubbs, she is allways writing and braging as the owner, she never mentions her co-owner who is the real owner and breeder, she only bought her part and brags about him ony with her name.


Didn't I read a post recently where she changed one of her dog's names? The post is gone now...

Congratulations Tilly, Lynn and Rusty! Well done!


If this person bragged so much, I wonder why I haven't seen all these brags some of you talk about. I have seen LESS from this person than from alot of others.

I think if she had a dog not winning, but bragging so much on all the 1st place ribbons and Reserve Winner's- would you all be so negative about her as much as you are? I feel like you are negative about those with nice accomplishments and great wins. It's not just this one person, it seems it is always against those doing the winning.

I don't win much myself, wish I did, but somehow, I don't think it'd be worth all this nonsense many of you display on this forum. So sad, so very very sad!


It's the same story with Scrubbs, she is allways writing and braging as the owner, she never mentions her co-owner who is the real owner and breeder, she only bought her part and brags about him ony with her name.


It took two
If this person bragged so much, I wonder why I haven't seen all these brags some of you talk about. I have seen LESS from this person than from alot of others.

I think if she had a dog not winning, but bragging so much on all the 1st place ribbons and Reserve Winner's- would you all be so negative about her as much as you are? I feel like you are negative about those with nice accomplishments and great wins. It's not just this one person, it seems it is always against those doing the winning.

I don't win much myself, wish I did, but somehow, I don't think it'd be worth all this nonsense many of you display on this forum. So sad, so very very sad!


It's the same story with Scrubbs, she is allways writing and braging as the owner, she never mentions her co-owner who is the real owner and breeder, she only bought her part and brags about him ony with her name.

It never ends! Always a buch of bitties complaining. I agree with you, it isn't worth all the bull s&^t. But don't be so quick to blame the owners, breeders and handlers - I'm sure you would like to have a pocket full of judges that would always favor your dogs too. I sure would! Let's face it - judges are to blame for the political farce that has been created.

Wait until tomorrow - expect short-legged, chubby winners. So much for breed standard. And the saga continues...


You know, it's really getting old: Whenever anyone posts results, people start the b@#!*ing and never ends! If someone you don't like, or some dog you don't like (for whatever reason) wins the claws come out. old are you that always post the nasties?

If you really have a problem with someone - take it to that person...stop trying to stir the pot on here.

It would be really nice if this forum could get back to real, relevant discussions...

Results were posted after someone requested them.

Let it go people!


Huge congrats to ALL involved with team Tilly - breeders, owners, handlers!!!! Whenever a Labrador wins BIS we should all be rejoicing and celebrating together!!


I am very sorry about the illness of your loved, long time companions. I do hope they will recover. It's never easy when our babies get old and sick.
As far as your girl, Tilly is concerned, I do congratulate her on the BIS achievement. However, I do find it inappropriate that you thanked only one handler. It's easy to pick up a dog who someone else has trained and ranked and then just waltz in and keep on winning. I guess this is every handler's dream. I hear all this negativity about her breeder and your co-owner (mind you, I don't know either one of you), but from following the threads here, I have to say that I wish you were as loyal as you say your girl, Tilly is. Maybe you should take some lessons from her.


It's Getting Old
You know, it's really getting old: Whenever anyone posts results, people start the b@#!*ing and never ends! If someone you don't like, or some dog you don't like (for whatever reason) wins the claws come out. old are you that always post the nasties?

If you really have a problem with someone - take it to that person...stop trying to stir the pot on here.

It would be really nice if this forum could get back to real, relevant discussions...

Results were posted after someone requested them.

Let it go people!


Huge congrats to ALL involved with team Tilly - breeders, owners, handlers!!!! Whenever a Labrador wins BIS we should all be rejoicing and celebrating together!!

You are right - the nastiness is not necessary. However, I do think people are entitled to their opinion - it is a First Amendment right! I do believe we can sometimes learn from conflicting opinions.

Tilly is certainly deserving of her BIS, but I disagree that we should "rejoice & celebrate" when ANY labrador wins a BIS. I really do not mean to be negative, but there have been 2 that I recall in the last 10 or 12 months that were not very nice represenatives of the breed and really created a controversy among many breeders, owners and even some judges. What represents our breed is very important.


JMO, it was so nice of you to share sweet words about the sick babies of LYNN'S!! But you did state you did not know LYNN......... so how can you pass judgement on a person you do not know????????? She's pretty cool, maybe you should take the time to know her!
The transition of Tilly's handlers was a GROUP decision.LIFE IS TOO SHORT TO WORRY ABOUT THINGS WE CAN'T CONTROL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


the nastiness on this forum has nothing to do with a particular person or particular dog. it has to do with people who cannot tolerate others who might be smarter, more educated, more articulate, wittier, even kinder than they are. so these lower-status people feel an obligation to bring everyone down to their level. much easier when posts are anonymous. creepy nonetheless.
we've already lost most of the smart, clever, kind, funny people because we pay attention to the lowest common denominator.


Agree we should celebrate BIS wins no matter what Labbie gets them .. so very sick of being beaten by lesser quality "elegant" dogs (setters, pointers) at the Group level and above ... perhaps we need to become more "frou frou"


YESSSSSSSSSS !!!!!!! you nailed it right on the head!!