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I am new to grooming my lab and i was curious about how to trim the tail correctly. i would appreciate if someone could tell me

Re: grooming

You better watch someone before you try that. Kind of difficult to describe.....That said, I haven't trimmed a tail in several years now.

Re: grooming

I just trim off the twizzle with thinning shears if it's needed. Other than that, not mush to do.

Re: grooming

The twizzle on the tail is there because the hair wraps around the tail. Why trim off an indication of a wrapped tail? That's what I was taught by a grizzled exhibitor. Of course, she also added "But go ahead and trim that tail when you're going to be competing against me!"

Re: grooming

What is there to trim on a Labrador except its nails ? I get so tired of Labs anyway but natural. But they seem to win. DON'T TRIM THAT TAIL.