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collecting my boy - question about the "tie"

I have been collecting my own boys for years.
I usually have no problems getting the "goods", with or without a bitch.
But I have an up & coming stud dog who cries when his bulb swells (esentially the tie). If I let go for a second, then resume, I get what I'm after, he stops crying and we procede as usual.
I have noticed that although the penis comes out of his sheath, the bulb does not, no matter if I try to roll the skin back gentle as I stimulate him. He swells inside the sheath and I believe this is what's causing him to cry out.
Anyone have this happen and what could be the cause?
More importantly, what can be done to fix it?

I need to add, this dog has bred a bitch naturally (my own girl, his first breeding) without any issues.

TIA, I'm stumped!

Re: collecting my boy - question about the "tie"

Then let him tie naturally.

Re: collecting my boy - question about the "tie"

Well that's a silly answer....Honestly, we all know that is not realistic in 99% of cases.

Re: collecting my boy - question about the "tie"

Yeah, you are right, he's swelling inside. He's giving you the bulb too quick for you to get that sheath all the way back it sounds like.
Do you use a sheath cover to push him back with? I don't use one but did when I first started. If you don't, you might try that. Fold down the top part and squirt a ring of ky around it on the inside. This will slide very easily and hopefully allow you to push his sheath all the back. Also before you really allow him to get stimulated, bring him out first w/ the sheath cover and I'll bet you'll get all of him this way. It should just slide right on over his starting bulb.

Re: collecting my boy - question about the "tie"

I dont think the Lord would want you playing with what comes naturally. It ain't right! Nasty.

Re: collecting my boy - question about the "tie"

Get real, you are the one that needs to move on and get with the program. If you only do naturals you are missing the really nice boys out there that are shipped. There is no one local (in my state or close) that I would breed with. Depends what you are breeding for.

Re: collecting my boy - question about the "tie"

What's a sheath cover?

Re: collecting my boy - question about the "tie"

To Newbie, sheath cover is the skin that covers the actual penis.

As far as the OP........ I have had stud dogs that within seconds have large bulbs not enabling me to pull the sheath back. The way I "handle" it (pardon the pun) is I have someone assist me and grab the dog before I even allow him time to swell. He becomes enlarged AFTER the sheath is pulled back. If you allow him to swell before pulling the sheath back it hurts when you try to get the skin over which is why he is probably crying.

Sheath cover

The sheath is what covers the penis. When I stated a sheath cover, I was referring to a latex sheath cover. I should've said latex in my previous post.