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two english labs available in Philly area -

This was forwarded to me today. The photo did not transfer with the article. Both are 3 yr old females/spayed. One is yellow, the other chocolate. NOt sure if they have contacted their breeder?

We are moving overseas in just 2 weeks. Unfortunately, I have still not been able to find a good home for Cookie and Coco . We're not able to take our beloved doggies with us and I've been desperately trying to find a home for both of them 'together'. They were raised together and pine without each other. The Lab rescue have already said that they would probably separate them, so this is my last resort. Recently I tried to take Coco out in my car alone and she TOTALLY refused to even get into the car without Cookie.....!!!! She absolutely pulled back on her haunches until Cookie was by her side.

Both doggies are in great health, have been spayed and have ID chips implanted under the skin.

Cookie turned 3 December 10th and Coco turned 3 April 1st. Cookie is my mellow-yellow, and just loves her tummy rubbed. Coco is adorably funny and lives for her "ball." She also loves the water...... Cookie loves lots of attention. Both doggies are loyal and love to walk. They have been raised with my 3 kids running around all over the place, and have survived Sammy's constant hugging and love of 'dress-up', so they are fantastic family dogs. This is by far one of the most difficult decisions I have ever had to make, but under the circumstances I have no choice.

Please, please forward these pics to all your friends. I want to find a great home for these fabulous doggies. They are just adorable and it's heartbreaking to let them go. In a perfect world, I hope that we could find someone local so that we can still keep in touch and visit them. I pray that someone, somewhere can help us keep Cookie and Coco together, and love them just as much as we do. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

Re: two english labs available in Philly area -

This is an internet hoax. This story about Cookie and Coco has been passed around for years, sometimes the owners are losing their house due to foreclosure, or in other versions moving to some distant location and can't bring the dogs. Check your local rescue sites before spreading around anything like this you receive via email.

Re: two english labs available in Philly area -

Last Fall my father sent this to me because someone at his church "knew I had labs and maybe I could help" and said the labs were in Montana. I started asking around at work and someone else had the same email from "a friend" that said the labs were in Portland. If you even wonder if something is a hoax look at: They catalog common internet hoaxes.

apologies to the list

I apologize to the list for sending along something that I didn't check out previous to posting.

I guess the sense of urgency had me going as well as the photo.

Re: two english labs available in Philly area -

I recently heard of two 4 year old brothers, a black and a yellow, available through Ct Lab rescue. They were poorly socialized and totally dependent on one another, rescue is looking for a home who will take them both.
The breeder they originally came from is not interested in helping. Sadly, this case is not a hoax.

Re: apologies to the list

I apologize to the list for sending along something that I didn't check out previous to posting.

I guess the sense of urgency had me going as well as the photo.

Don't worry, I got suckered too! I even had a gal I work with asking her husband and kids if they wanted two labs. Chalk one up to "older and wiser"...too bad, this is what makes us cynical eventually.

Re: two english labs available in Philly area -

I have heard that anything like "Please, please forward these pics to all your friends" is actually secret code for "Please, please hit the delete button already!".

Please pass this code on to everyone you know!