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Progesterone test with urine

Kellie Sterling, DVM was kind enough to do some additional testig on the new progesterone kits I mentioned last week. She ran the test using both blood and urine and got essentially the same results. The down side is that raw urine will not soak into the membrane of the blotter, so it has to either be spun down or allowed to settle for about an hour like blood. Since you only need 3 drops of the very top liquid to run the test, it should not be a problem either way. She will be running additional comparison tests this week on another bitch. I really appreciate her help in field testing this kit. If you have questions, email me privately. Thanks.

Re: Progesterone test with urine

I ordered the test last week and when I got it, It was wrote on the front to keep cold. It came in a regular Fed ex box with 2 small ice packs. Ice packs and test were hot. Do you think they are ok? I was going to use the first one tomorrow.

Re: Progesterone test with urine

Shoud be OK. They CAN be kept at room temp, but will not last as long - the liquid reagents deteriorate. They can NOT be frozen! Glad to know your FedEx shipment arrived OK (but hot).

Re: Progesterone test with urine

Great thanks.

Re: Progesterone test with urine

What is the name of the kit and supplier, please?

Re: Progesterone test with urine

Proges-Check made by Endocrine Technologies. The website for the product is

Re: Progesterone test with urine

I only see a rapid test for blood samples.

Re: Progesterone test with urine

Yes.. .that is the test. It will work with urine that has either been spun down or allowed to settle so that you use the clear liquid portion on top. The hormones are in the urine as well as the blood. If you would like more specifics, you can call me. My phone number is on my website.

Re: Progesterone test with urine

Thanks for the info. It seems it would come in handy when doing multiple Antech blood tests. I will email you with results if I use it when also doing an Antech test.

Re: Progesterone test with urine

OK... color me confused. The reason for this test is to save the expense and waiting for an Antech test - at least that is why I would use it. I guess I miss your point.

Re: Progesterone test with urine

since this test instructions does not specify urine, what is the amount needed to run it?

Also since this test measures by color to numbers can you use it to watch progesterone levels during pregnancy for bitches that tend to loose litters due to low levels.