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Please Join JSLRC For Holistic Vet Program

"They Said Nothing Else Could Be Done For My Dog."
Do the Impossible Through Alternative Veterinary Medicine!

Join us for an informative discussion with Dr Sheila Lounsberry DVM, CVA on Nutrition, Acupuncture, Chiropractics and Chinese Medicine to be presented at JSLRC's General Meeting on September 30th at 8:30 p.m. For more information see the Calendar Tab on the JSLRC website.

And please see the info on contacting Eve if you plan to attend -


We look forward to seeing you there.

Re: Please Join JSLRC For Holistic Vet Program

Just giving this thread a bump to remind you all of the program we are putting on.

And to remind you to email Eve if you are coming so we know how much pizza to order.

Hope to see you all there.