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Medical Questions for a Puppy Buyer

Hi all,

I am looking for any suggestions or help I can get on this subject.

My friend, who has one of my dogs, called me to say her 6 year old neutered male Lab is in the Acute Critical Care Vet hospital. She is worried sick about her boy. He started vomiting 3 days ago, no diarrhea at the time. She took him to the vet and he just gave her some pepcid to help. Well he didn't get better so she took him to the Pet ER yesterday and later transferred him to the Critical Care facility. They did an ultrasound of his abdomen and found that his liver and kidneys were smaller and denser than normal. There was also some inflammatory fluids in the abdomen. No bowel obstructions were noted. An xray of his chest was also done as well as further bloodwork and the results have not come back in yet. Bloodwork done a week ago showed normal values. She does not know of any toxins he may have gotten into or been exposed to. He has blood in his urine and stool.

Any ideas of what might be going on?


Dianne Mullikin, EMT-B
Los Angeles, CA

Re: Medical Questions for a Puppy Buyer

would worry about poisons...mushrooms, toxic plants, rat poison.
Hope they can figure it out :O(

Re: Medical Questions for a Puppy Buyer

You say bloodwork was normal a week ago. However what is it now? Meaning CBC and chem panel - would like to know those numbers. Wondering about BUN/CRE levels since you mention kidney and liver. Is the dog eating food at all? Vomiting water only (not vomiting food too)? I assume dog is lethargic? Curious about the smell of the dog's breath - does it smell like urine (uremia) that would indicate kidney issue.

Re: Medical Questions for a Puppy Buyer

Thanks, I haven't gotten the results of the recent bloodwork, but here is the most recent update:

"Great news, I think. I spoke with Blitz's doctor and he said the chest xray came back normal. Nothing out of the oridinary or what you wouldn't expect for a Lab. He said when he saw him he did the lab thing and lifted his leg for a belly rub. Ahhhh!!!! That was very encouraging for me to hear since yesterday he acted like he didn't even know me. He also said that they have gotten his vomiting under control (he hasn't thrown up since he's been there which was about 5pm yesterday) and they will hopefully try to feed him something very mild tonight. I asked him about blood in his stool and he said there wasn't any stool in his system so there wasn't any blood that he could see if there was any. Once the ultrasound fluid and liver aspiration tests come back and they can see where is is currently with his kidney functions he wants to do another ultrasound in a day or two. Pretty much everything else we'll talk about after he does get the results and we see how his kidneys and stomach are doing by tomorrow. They are going to start decreasing his fluids and monitor the kidney's output."

Dianne Mullikin, EMT-B
Los Angeles, CA

Re: Medical Questions for a Puppy Buyer

Poor guy. I hope he feels better soon...

Re: Medical Questions for a Puppy Buyer

Poor guy. I hope he feels better soon...

Thanks me too! I'll keep you updated. Sounds like he's on the way to recovery.

Dianne Mullikin, EMT-B
Los Angeles, CA