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Labrador Q


This will look like an advertisment, beleive me it isn't, I'm from Ecuador and received a post card from The Labrador Quarterly, it's like a mini order form, a picture of a black male name "ASHER" is the post card.

Anybody knows who this dog is? What is his real name?


Re: Labrador Q

Would like to help you but you did not provide your email.

Re: Labrador Q

Would be helpful...But
Would like to help you but you did not provide your email.


Re: Labrador Q

Would be helpful...But
Would like to help you but you did not provide your email.

Sorry, good point.

Re: Labrador Q

Re: Labrador Q

Why do you need an email to reply back to the person?

Is this a new rule of the forum?

Re: Labrador Q

Nah, they are just being nasty. Thanks to the person who was nice enough to post the link to Asher! Lovely boy!

Re: Labrador Q

I'm sorry but I didn't try to be nasty. She asked me for my email so this post wouldn't become an advertisment for this dog, that's it.
Either way, we were going to be blame, either because we were trying to advertise him or because we tried to keep it secret.

A loose loose situation.

Re: Labrador Q

The poster was not accusing you of being nasty at all. Just the other poster that was jabbing you for not posting your email. You did nothing wrong.

I'm sorry but I didn't try to be nasty. She asked me for my email so this post wouldn't become an advertisment for this dog, that's it.
Either way, we were going to be blame, either because we were trying to advertise him or because we tried to keep it secret.

A loose loose situation.

Re: Labrador Q

Yes, Foreign, I wasn't talking about you. You asked a simple question, no harm in that. I don't think your email was necessary, it was simple enough to post the link to the dog's page. So I was saying that to the person saying that you should have put it if you wanted an answer...

Re: Labrador Q
