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registration application

This is really stupid of me to ask, but if I have a litter and I am keeping one of the pups, which part of the back of the registration form do I fill out?
I never know if I am doing this right and I find the form confusing.

The top section is blue and is titled "litter owner" and yes I have checked that "I still own this dog"...yadda yadda.....and I have signed it.

*Do I also fill out the next section in blue that is the new owner section?

*Do I sign the botton line in the red section?

Re: registration application

Why don't you call the AKC 919.233.9767

Re: registration application

That is not a free call for me and I thought there would be someone out there willing to answer a simple question without being bitter. Guess I was wrong.

Re: registration application

You cant be serious that its a long distance call and not worth the .10 cents for the 2 minutes on the phone. Instead you want someone to take their time to answer you but the answer you want isnt worth .10 cents to you?

Re: registration application

If you have 10 pups in your litter and sell 9 of them for 1000, you now have $9000.00

You cant make a ten cent phone call?

Re: registration application

so much drama...

when I keep a pup I check the box that says we still own this dog
and sign my name as the litter owner and as the new owner.
hope that helps you out.... I also do not have long distance on my house phone.

Re: registration application

Forget it, sorry I bothered you.

Re: registration application

you must be a breeding guru....because I have never gotten through a litter with pure profit! Maybe you should have a "how to make money on your litter seminar"

such nasty folks on here today....have a cup of coffee and chill!

Re: registration application

Thank you, I will do that.
You have restored my faith in the fact that human kindness still prevails.

Re: registration application

OK, for those of you with no long distance in the house, so you're telling me you don't have a cell phone either? Even a $5.00 expense for a long distance call isn't going to upset your breeding losses that much. I would rather call AKC and be sure than send the form in wrong and screw things up.

Re: registration application

1) a phone call is not a 5 dollar expense, just a few cents.

2) are you people serious about not having a cell phone or access to long distance?

Re: registration application

To the OP,

Registering online is about as easy as it gets, as long as you didn't have a litter co-owner that required actual signatures (there is an option to allow one signature/online registration when you are registering the litter and if it was not chosen, then you need to use the hard copy registration).

Go to to register your pup. You can always email AKC with any questions that are not on their Q&A page as well.