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LQ needs input for "Reign" centerfold

The LQ comitted to doing the next centerfold on "Reign" (Balcroft Silonas Time To Reign), now can't get write-up info from anyone. Cammie contacted me because I bred to him, have pics on my website. I suggested maybe other breeders could submit a paragraph or two, and any pictures of Reign and/or what he's produced.

If ANY of you have known Reign and/or bred to him ... would you write up a paragraph or two, send pictures??? LQ needs within a week. You can e-mail to me, I'll do a "fix" on pics if necessary, then forward to Cammie.

My e-mail is:

Re: LQ needs input for "Reign" centerfold

My best suggestion is to have one of our great Canadian friends track down his breeders/owners. He was on co-own in the US, but, that part of the story should also be told by his breeders/owners.

Re: LQ needs input for "Reign" centerfold

You're right, I'm hoping some of the Canadian breeders will respond. Apparently the LQ has Allison's # but she's not returning messages. It's a shame that none of his breeders or owners are coming forward.

Just spread the word around.

Re: LQ needs input for "Reign" centerfold

We have tried to reach Judy DeBelle, but we are unable to get in touch with her. He was her Heart Dog and I know if she knew about the LQ article she would be very happy to help with it.

Re: LQ needs input for "Reign" centerfold

Well if Allison won't return calls, have you tried Ivan or Linda(Balcroft)? I saw Linda at a dog show in April, I believe the phone number is still the same-they haven't move to my knowledge.
Can I have permission to cross post this to Canadian lists/club lists. Reign was used heavily in Canada before being sold.
Have you contacted Laurie Warvill of Asklar Labradors? She and June Onda, Corhampton are still very good friends and June used Reign a few times and produced some notable Canadian dogs for the Corhampton lines.
I have contacted my friend who has the Reign son who is a Can Ch, WC JH Grd UKC CH and won a JAM recently at a specialty as a senior.

Re: LQ needs input for "Reign" centerfold

No, I don't know how to reach Linda, don't even know Ivan. That's why I posted, hoping someone would come up with connections like you're doing. Yes, please do post anywhere. And, if you can contact Laurie or anyone else, please do.

BUT, LQ says she needs whatever we can gather no later than Wed 9/16, have already extended deadline.

Can send to me (especially if pictures need fixing), or directly to Cammie at LQ to save time:
Camillia A. Hamilton []

I didn't really know Reign, just bred to him once and know how much Judy loved him. I just feel that if they're determined to follow thru with their comittment to do Reign as the next centerfold, I'd hate to see an inadequate article on a nice dog with a lot of accomplishments. I scanned everything that Judy had sent me long ago (thank God with her notes!), sent to Cammie. Then thought others could write up little tidbits even, and send some pictures, antecdotes, whatever. There must be some titled kids and grandkids out there to include.

I just posted on the Canadian Lab forum but it doesn't look like people look or post very often.
