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I'm looking for anyone who might offer information, moral support and related outcomes of this type of bacterial infection. My friends 6 year old male is quite sick with this today. Temp. 105, fistula's draining...tomatoe soup like. Problem is mostly located in jaw area, but has now spread to other locations. Their vet is hoping his stiffness when he walks is not an indicator that it has spread to his joints. He is now on Doxy as the first two antibiotics have not worked. Penicillan as well is being used. If they can pull him through they are saying he'll be on antibiotics for at least 4 months.

Any help at all is greatly appreciated for this sweet black boy

p.s. he had surgery today to remove all areas that were infected. The jaw area was the one area they could not do this with.


Interesting, but sad illness. See the link below. Read further info via a Google. Treatment with IV Penicillin seems to be the preferred anti-biotic treatment from what I read.


I have never heard of it so can't offer help but I pray this sweet boy pulls thru.

Please keep us posted when you can.


Thank you. Waiting to hear from my friend regarding results of culture. My heart is breaking for her and her sweet boy. I'll keep you posted.