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flea & tick product Vectra 3D

A local vet's newsletter is suggesting this product over frontline now. They said because the fleas and ticks are becoming immune to the older products. This product is made by Summit VetPharm. Has anyone used it, good, bad, opinions. It has Dinotefuran in it and is a topical that is not absorbed, is supposed to adhere to the skin and hair. (that's what is advertised)

Re: flea & tick product Vectra 3D

I have a pup buyer whose vet is recommending this product for fleas ticks and for heartworm

I asked my vet and they say the product is too new to know if it really works and that even though it may help prevent mosquitos from biting it should not be used in lieu of oral HW such as interceptor.

My vet uses and recommends products that have been around for about 10 years and are proven effective.

If this product is not aborbed how can it actually be that effective? Is it applied at the shoulders like Frontline? I do not remember reading that its not absorbed in my research.

Hoping to hear from others who have used this product or have feed back from their vets regarding its effectiveness.

Re: flea & tick product Vectra 3D

I asked my vet and they say the product is too new to know if it really works and that even though it may help prevent mosquitos from biting it should not be used in lieu of oral HW such as interceptor.

My vet uses and recommends products that have been around for about 10 years and are proven effective.

This is exactly our philosophy at the veterinary hospital where I work. We never 'jump on the bandwagon' when a new product comes out.

We still recommend and sell Frontline Plus, and that's it. We really have not seen a problem with it's efficacy.


Fair Havens

Re: flea & tick product Vectra 3D

I know with human doctors and new meds: doctors are invited to luncheon seminars on new meds. They are fed, paid about $100 for their time and given the new meds to give to patients.

Wonder if this is the case with vets to get them to push the new products?

Re: flea & tick product Vectra 3D

Most vets I know don't have time to schmooze with the drug reps, nor do they receive any compensation!!!
They're too busy seeing their patients and trying to survive financially!
Vectra interests me, too....I feel that there is so much extensive R & D on these products, especially in California, which is sometimes more stringent than the federal government agencies!

Re: flea & tick product Vectra 3D

Well, the drug companies do occasionally have continuing education semninars/luncheons/dinner. Sometimes on new products, current products, etc. My favorite was put on by a local veterinary orthopedic group in conjunction with either Novartis or Merial. It was nice, though, because the ortho veterinarian who actually spoke did not push any one particular product.

And, out of all the CE seminars I have attended, they have never passed out free goods of the product being discussed. We are advised to contact our reps if interested in purchasing the product (usually with a promo in effect).

Fair Havens

Re: flea & tick product Vectra 3D

Last Friday my husband used Vectra 3D on our 22 pound love of our life Bichon, Clayton. Within minutes Clayton began running wildly, shaking and having many other problems, including seizure's, it was awful. We have two dogs and have always used Frontline Plus with no issues. Clayton was rushed to Vet, given a shot and appeared to get better that afternoon. Only to be worse a few hours later. He is doing better now, however he is having some shaking like tremors. I do not adivse this product. This has been reported to the vet, who said he would notify the manufactuer and they must notify the EPA. Good Luck!