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scales to weigh puppies

what is the best scale to weigh lab puppies. Going to be having a litter soon and my old scale decided it is not going to work anymore. Please Help

Re: scales to weigh puppies

I bought a nice scale from PetEdge just over a year ago. It's nice, it's fairly accurate, i weighed the keeper up to 5 months of age on it. It's spacious on the top.

This one shows the largest, which i would love to have, but i got the small - $64.99 - if you click on more shows a pic of it in the middle . It picked up as low as 7 oz for me- even lower when i was weighing other than puppies.

Free shipping at the time- not sure if they still have free shipping- and it was at the location within days.

Re: scales to weigh puppies

I use a digital postal scale with a small box on top to put the pup in.

Re: scales to weigh puppies

Can you tell us the brand name on the scale? (Just had eyes dilated for exam and I'm a bit blind right now!) I ordered a large one from KV Vet that was the Redmond (sp?) brand and it did not work. When I called KV to pick it up they said they had lots of trouble with them and would not be carrying them anymore. Also asked me to call the manufacturer (gave me the name and number to contact) to complain since Redmond was giving them trouble about it. Don't know how it resolved but I am in the market for a new scale too!

Re: scales to weigh puppies

I bought a digital scale for weighing food portions at Walmart for about $20 a couple years ago. It works great, can get precise weights on newborns, to 1/4 ounce ... the most critical time to monitor weight. Has a rectangular tray, perfect size.

It only goes to 5 lbs so then I switch to a regular old-fashioned baby scale.

Re: scales to weigh puppies

Like Jenny, I went to Wal-Mart and purchased a small food scale - probably a very similar scale. I like it because it not only goes down to 1/8 ounces but it also can do grams so you can get those precious weights on the wee little ones. It goes up to around 5 1/4 lbs which is when I switch over to a baby scale.

On a geeky note, I created an Excel spreadsheet that self calculates daily weight gains/losses. It gives me the total weekly gain in lbs and ounces but also by percentage. That percentage gives me a better idea who is really doing what in comparison to their littermates. Several ounces in one small pup is a much larger weight gain than several ounces in a large pup.

Re: scales to weigh puppies

Oh, "Geek"!!! I do the same thing with an Excel spreadsheet; my formulas calculate weight gains/% from previous day AND from original birth weight.

I sometimes refer back to those weekly spreadsheets, see how it worked out then, if I'm concerned about some puppies.

I leave space between puppies so I can comment on the litter and individual puppies, and keep track of wormings and other things.

I think I know who you are so I wasn't afraid to compliment you on being "geeky"!

Re: scales to weigh puppies

I have something similar to this scale on e-bay (where I also bought mine several years ago for even less):

Do a search under "baby scales" or "pet scale" to find more.